Dr. Deborah Birx. Jonathan Ernst/Reuters
Former White House COVID Response Coordinator Doctor Deborah Birx came clean about the guidance she gave to slow the spread. On Sunday, The Post Millennial reported on Birx’s testimony before Congress and her new book “Silent Invasion.”
She admitted in both that the CDC data didn’t help her make clear public health recommendations. Birx’s plan that was two weeks long to slow the spread was apparently based on statistics from other countries not the US. The existing CDC data wasn’t of any use, Birx said. She picked apart the CDC’s approach and voiced that they should have been more forceful in their data collection and in going to states and demanding information.
“I couldn’t do anything that would reveal my true intention,” she wrote. “To use the travel ban as one brick in the construction of a larger wall of protective measures we needed to enact very soon. Trump’s team was more concerned about the impacts and potential for loss of lives to Americans of shutting society down. She blasts the administration for their concerns over the economy, concerns which have played out in real time to the point where the country could be facing devastating impacts, as is the globe.
Before posting my final review of D. Birx's book, I offer you one more excerpt on how she doctored the weekly Covid reports to the states coming from the White House. You won't believe this one. pic.twitter.com/saYjSzPhpc
— Jeffrey A Tucker (@jeffreyatucker) July 16, 2022
Birx urged solutions to the problem of data collection. She said that “there remains a lack of emphasis on active testing and there is still no sense of urgency to find the silent community invasion that occurs days to weeks before symptoms.” Birx lamented that looking back they were not more stern in their approach to guidance. She explained that it is concerning that people would not “prioritize the health of others over their own personal liberty” and noted that early data from Europe showed widespread compliance.
“I don’t know,” she admitted. “All I know is there was evidence from the global pandemic that natural reinfection was occurring. Since the vaccine was based on natural immunity you cannot make the conclusion that the vaccine will do better than natural infection, although it can often do slightly better.”
She said the US had a “silent spread” and there was no way to track it. The doctor claimed this is what led to continuing lockdowns for over a year.
Source: One America News Network