The “canceling” of former President Donald Trump continued on Tuesday night as Facebook and Instagram each took down a video of his new on-camera interview with daughter-in-law Lara Trump for her online conservative talk show “The Right View.”

The social media platforms removed the video because it “featured Trump speaking” and the “voice of Donald Trump,” a site moderator warned Lara Trump in an email sent at 9:51 p.m. ET on Tuesday:

“We are reaching out to let you know that we removed content from Lara Trump’s Facebook Page that featured President Trump speaking. In line with the block we placed on Donald Trump’s Facebook and Instagram accounts, further content posted in the voice of Donald Trump will be removed and result in additional limitations on the accounts.”

Lara Trump responded to the email as she shared it on Instagram:

“…and just like that, we are one step closer to [George] Orwell’s 1984. Wow”

Lara’s husband and the former president’s son, Eric Trump, also shared the email on Twitter. 

Former President Trump was banned on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram after the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol breach. Twitter has called the ban permanent, while Facebook, which owns Instagram, plans a review of Trump’s future access to its platforms.

In the blocked video, former President Trump condemned the results of the 2020 election, calling it “a hoax” and a “corrupt, fraudulent election,” reiterating his belief he won the election, and teasing another presidential run in 2024 – saying there is “hope.” Trump also blasted the “dishonest media,” and bashed President Joe Biden for his “trip up the stairs” leading to Air Force One, saying Biden “didn’t know where the hell he was.” 

Trump also trashed Twitter, the app on which he had been a frequent user prior to his ban, as having become “boring” and rebuked cancel culture’s “obliteration” of American history.

“I think that they [America’s allies and adversaries] cannot believe what is happening,” Donald Trump told Lara Trump. “Can you imagine China looking at us and they’re talking about Dr. Seuss and that was like the big thing of the day – but it’s gone beyond Seuss; they want to take down monuments to heroes; they want to get rid of our history, obliterate our history.”

Lara Trump, 38, was hired this week by Fox News, but told The Washington Post the new job will not preclude her from a potential Senate run in her home state of North Carolina in 2022.

“Fox has been very generous with me,” she told the Post. “They have said, ‘Look, if that’s something that you ultimately decide to do,’ they’re going to work with me on that front and make sure that all the rules are followed and we do everything properly.

“So, thank you to the Fox team for allowing me to have the possibility that that’s in the future.”

Trump’s Senate run would be to succeed retiring Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C., who had served as chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee when it investigated alleged Russian contacts with the Trump campaign. Burr also ultimately voted to convict the former president for incitement of insurrection after he left office earlier this year. Trump was aquitted of the charge, the second impeachment attempt against him which failed to register a conviction.

Source: Newmax

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