U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand defended her call for New York Gov.  Andrew Cuomo to resign over sexual-harassment allegations, saying she was expressing “an opinion” about “credible” complaints from at least six female accusers.

Gillibrand made her commends Friday while answering questions from a caller on WNYC Radio’s Brian Lehrer program. The caller asked why Gillibrand and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer joined other Democrats in demanding the resignation without allowing “due process” of the accusations against the governor.

“I’m not here to decide on penalty or punishment,” Gillibrand said. “I’m really here to say — Do I believe these women and do I think that conduct is inappropriate? And my answer is, ‘Yes.’ So, it’s just an opinion.”

Cuomo has urged New Yorkers to wait for the results of two investigations, and he has said the account of an aide who claims he groped her were untrue. The New York attorney general has begun one investigation, and the state legislature started an impeachment inquiry that could lead to his removal

Source: Newmax

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