WASHINGTON, DC - AUGUST 11: U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) leaves the Senate Chamber in the U.S. Capitol on August 11, 2021 in Washington, DC. The Senate is voting on a series of amendments known as a vote-a-rama before final passage of the budget resolution. (Photo by Liz Lynch/Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC – AUGUST 11: U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) leaves the Senate Chamber in the U.S. Capitol on August 11, 2021 in Washington, D.C. (Liz Lynch/Getty Images)

Just before adjourning for the rest of the month, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) set up a battle over Democrats’ so-called voting rights legislation. Early Wednesday morning, Senate Republicans blocked a Democrat attempt to advance the ‘For the People Act.’

Heading into the vote, Democrats signaled they knew the legislation wouldn’t have the votes to pass through and that it was designed to show Senate Democrats are still trying to pass their agenda through before going on legislative recess. Meanwhile, Democrats have been trying to pass the so-called ‘For the People Act’ for months, which contains many provisions that Republicans along with some moderate Democrats have said would amount to government overreach.

Speaking on the floor, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said the package is a major partisan power grab on the part of Democrats. While Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin (W.Va.), who ultimately voted to open the bill up for debate, said he’s concerned over Democrat attempts to expand the federal government’s control over elections and their opposition to basic efforts to strengthen election integrity.

“I firmly believe that we need common sense voter ID requirements, just like we have in West Virginia,” said Manchin. “They strengthen the security of our elections without making it harder for Americans to vote. I also firmly believe that we shouldn’t politicize the federal elections commission, prohibit any guardrails on vote-by-mail, or prevent local election officials from doing basic maintenance of voter roles.”

In the meantime, while also speaking on the floor, Majority Leader Schumer attempted to frame the bill as a class and race issue, pointing to a number of bills passed by Republican-led state legislators nationwide aimed at protecting election integrity.

“In America today, we are witnessing the most sweeping and coordinated attacks on voting rights since the era of Jim Crow,” stated Schumer. “Reactionary Republican legislatures are making it harder for poorer, younger and non-white Americans to vote. While at the same time, making it easier for partisan actors to steal an election.”

Schumer said Senators have been working on a compromise bill, which they plan to unveil as the First Amendment to the ‘For the People Act’ when the Senate returns in September.

Source: One America News Network

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