Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announces a proposal for an increase in pay for state law enforcement agencies to encourage more officers to relocate to Florida, during a press conference at the Florida Highway Patrol Troop D headquarters in Orlando, Fla. Monday, Nov. 29, 2021. (Joe Burbank/Orlando Sentinel via AP)

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) condemned Democrats’ handling of coronavirus.

While unveiling the state’s Freedom First Budget on Thursday, DeSantis said if things were up to Democrats, the whole state of Florida would have shut down. He added this would cause economic devastation.

DeSantis said time and time again his administration has protected Floridians from losing their jobs, also pointing to his recent effort to block Joe Biden’s OSHA vaccine mandate. He said thanks to efforts from Republican states, there’s no chance Biden’s edict will ever take effect.

“OSHA is done, okay? You can take that to the bank,” said the Republican. “The Sixth Circuit is never going to uphold what OSHA did. They are absolutely going to deep six that.”

He pointed out the litigation to abolish the OSHA mandate is ongoing and that the mandate would fail even if the case had to go up to the Supreme Court. The governor added the mandate is effectively suspended while a number of states, including Florida, simply refused to enforce it in the first place.

DeSantis reiterated such a mandate would damage the U.S. economy.

“The federal government themselves, they’ve pushed back deadlines because they’re faced with potentially losing a lot of employees, and that’s not a good thing to have had happened on your watch,” stated DeSantis. “And you look at what’s happening in states that have imposed their own mandates on say nurses, now they’re having to call in the National Guard just to be able to staff the hospitals.”

The Florida governor went on to explain medical officials are now trying to move the goalposts and change the definition of “fully vaccinated” to include booster shots. He added the Florida state budget has enough resources to offset any damaging effects of federal overreaches.

Source: One America News Network

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