Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) in Miami, Florida. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) in Miami, Florida. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) vowed to fight against Joe Biden’s coronavirus vaccine mandates by promising to protect the jobs of those who have chosen not to be vaccinated. In a press conference on Monday, the Republican made clear he would especially defend the state’s first responders who worked throughout the pandemic to make sure the people of the state were safe and healthy.

On the topic of personal choice, the governor insisted the vaccine should not be forced onto people.

“This is not something that should be coerced onto people,” he expressed. “It should be something they have access to and can make that decision for themselves.”

Personal choice being a major theme of his talk, he explained how Biden’s mandate could very likely do more harm than good.

“I also think that what their doing is very harmful. If they honestly want more people to do this, they are causing a lot of people to dig in their heels,” he discussed. “They are causing a lot of people to question and it’s totally counterproductive.”

DeSantis also talked about how the policies of the Biden administration have been attempting to hurt the state throughout the pandemic.

“They shut down our cruise industry. We beat them in court on that and got that going, but that was the CDC just acting unilaterally,” he asserted. “Congress never legislated that.”

Overall, the Republican made it clear the mandate is a massive overstep of federal power, which has been something the government has been doing throughout the pandemic.

“It’s beyond just a mandate,” he explained. “What they’ve been doing throughout all of COVID, they go back and find some statute from decades ago. They find some obscure regulation and then they take that as a pretext to be able to do ridiculous, unforeseen expansions of government power.”

One of the governor’s solutions to combat mandates is to fine cities or counties which mandate the coronavirus vaccine $5,000 per infraction. DeSantis concluded these jobs matter, these livelihoods matter and people shouldn’t be coerced out of a job through government power.

Source: One America News Network

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