A combine harvester at the middle of a wheat field harvesting crops. (Representational Photo via AP)

The Irish government is reportedly advancing the ‘Great Reset’ agenda in the nation’s agricultural sector. According to The Times, Ireland plans to impose new carbon emissions standards on farmers seeking to reduce co2 by 28 percent.

Irish officials say the plan to crackdown on farm emissions comes in line with EU environmental standards and it will require a decrease in the use of heavy farm machinery such as harvest combines. This comes after farmers in the Netherlands began protests against their government’s crackdown on nitrogen emissions.

Irish farmers say green regulations are hurting their business. Tim Cullinan, the President of the Irish Farmers Association, commented on the matter.

“If we have a reduction in what we’re doing, well obviously that’s going to effect the viability of farmers,” he stated. “So as it is at the moment, 30 percent of our farmers are viable. So, what we want to achieve here is to get a lot more of our farmers viable. So, it’s just trying to get that message through.” 

Farmers have asserted that environmental standards undermine food security, but EU governments appear to be unfazed by the threat of mass starvation.

Source: One America News Network

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