Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett chairs the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem, Sunday, Feb. 20, 2022. (AP Photo/Tsafrir Abayov, Pool)

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett doubled down on his criticism of international talks to reach a nuclear deal with Iran. On Sunday, he warned further concessions to the Iranian regime would result in a tumultuous Middle East. Bennett added, the current terms would allow Iran to develop stadiums of uranium enrichment facilities.

Joe Biden has made reviving the failed 2015 nuclear deal a top foreign policy priority since taking office and has pushed the international community to support a new agreement. Meanwhile, Bennett fears Iran’s ulterior motives will put the region in a dubious position.

“In the meantime, as an advance payment, Iran gets now tens of billions of dollars in frozen assets, in access to new markets,” explained the Israeli official. “And a lot of this money is going to be directly funneled right away towards attacking Israel, towards attacking our allies, and even attacking American soldiers in the Middle East.”

Bennett went on to say his country will face the consequences if a deal is reached.

Source: One America News Network

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