Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett speaks to the Israeli Parliament in Jerusalem. (Yonatan Sindel/Pool via AP)

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett condemned Iran’s Ayatollah regime over its latest attack on an oil tanker in international waters. During a cabinet meeting on Sunday, Bennett said Iran would be held to account for carrying out a suicide drone attack on the tanker Mercer Street.

The prime minister added Israeli intelligence obtained proof of Iran’s involvement with the attack. However, Tehran insisted it had nothing to do with the incident, which killed both a British and Romanian sailor. Tehran also called the attack a “provocation.”

Bennett added Iran’s behavior posed danger to global maritime trade.

“I just heard that Iran, in a cowardly manner, is trying to shirk its responsibility for the incident, they are denying it. So I determine unequivocally: Iran is the one that carried out the attack on the ship,” he asserted. “Iran’s bully manners are dangerous not only to Israel but also harm global interests, the Freedom of Navigation and international trade.”

Bennett went on to stress Israel would deliver a response to Iran for its actions in its own way.

Source: One America News Network

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