In an opinion piece from The Hill Saturday, Jonathan Turley wrote that although we should give stories in the news equal weight, those who preach for more fairness are often the ones who lean heavily to one side. Turley highlights that in Hunter Biden’s case, some of the news skewed its covering over the president’s son in his favor.

According to the George Washington University Law School professor, “Facts, like fairness, appear overrated to much of the media today. Hunter spent the last few months evading questions, notably before the election, when an abandoned laptop apparently belonging to him was found to have hundreds of embarrassing photos and emails showing drug abuse and raw influence peddling. He is also said to be under investigation for possible federal tax violations linked to his foreign dealings.”

Turley continued, criticizing the media for putting a “blackout” on the laptop story while Hunter Biden in his father’s “press cocoon.” Turley slammed an article by Ron Elving, which according to Turley, stated that the “laptop story was discredited by American intelligence.”

Turley then describes how Elving could have just talked to Hunter Biden when he had the chance.

“There was, of course, an easy way to confirm the facts, rather than citing other news outlets which failed to pursue the story. Elving was talking to Hunter, so why not simply ask him if the laptop was his? CBS News did ask him that and received a bizarre answer that it might or might not be his. Hunter said, ‘There could be a laptop out there that was stolen from me. It could be that I was hacked. It could be that it was Russian intelligence.'”

But Hunter denied any knowledge of the laptop months afters its existence, according to Turley.

“During that time, the story presumably was researched by the campaign of his father and his own lawyers. American intelligence concluded it was not Russian disinformation. Yet Joe Biden claimed it was and his campaign brought out former national security officials to endorse this claim.”

Turley concluded by citing a quote from Lester Holt in his receiving of the Edward Murrow award for lifetime achievement in journalism, “giving ‘two sides equal weight and merit does not reflect’ the world today, where allegations of gun offenses, influence peddling, and still other abuses can remain uncovered.”

Source: Newmax

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