ANCHORAGE, ALASKA – JULY 09: U.S. Senate candidate Kelly Tshibaka greets the crowd during a “Save America” rally at Alaska Airlines Center on July 09, 2022 in Anchorage, Alaska. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

During an interview with Breitbart News on Saturday, Republican Senate candidate Kelly Tshibaka asserted that it’s time to unseat incumbent Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and Alaskans cannot trust her.

The Trump-endorsed candidate argued that Murkowski flip-flops by saying one thing in Alaska and then often does the exact opposite when she goes to Washington, D.C.

“She ran ads just a couple months ago saying that she was a fierce defender of the Second Amendment while she was colluding with the Democrats and Joe Biden to vote for gun control and our gun rights,” said Tshibaka. “This is the thing that cost her (Murkowski) her NRA endorsement. So now she’s dropped in her rating with them and I have the NRA’s highest rating. We are very much pro Second Amendment and against those red flag laws she voted for.”

The Republican added that pro-choice voters can’t trust their current senator either. Murkowski voted against efforts to codify Roe v. Wade, even though she claimed she supports abortion rights.

“She was the one who introduced the bill for late term abortions, and she’s consistently voted to fund national abortion providers with tax payers’ money. This is the kind of thing she does all the time,” claimed Tshibaka. “This is why everyone across this state is saying that it’s time for change. We can’t trust her.”

This comes a few days after Project Veritas exposed Murkowski by releasing footage of her campaign staffers saying the senator secretly supports Alaska Ballot Measure 2.

To voters, the video was depicted as an initiative to change several of the state’s election policies, including to get “dark money” out of campaigns.

Murkowski echoed that the measure required gathered signatures across the state, but sidestepped when being asked about staffers who said they were strategic when creating the measure to ensure her re-election.

Source: One America News Network

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