The “world is coming to see the recklessness” with which the Communist Chinese government handled the beginnings of the COVID-19 pandemic that has caused “so much grief and loss of life around the world,” former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Wednesday, and he is “ecstatic” that that is happening.

“We had enormous amounts of evidence” that suggested the Wuhan Institute of Virology “was a likely place the virus escaped from,” Pompeo, now a Fox News contributor, said on “America Reports.”

There was also military action at the same laboratory, Pompeo said, acknowledging that the two matters are separate issues that former President Donald Trump’s administration “couldn’t link” but “we knew they were taking place.”

Meanwhile, as the Biden administration continues to deal with the pandemic, Pompeo said he’d like to see it do more to find the origins of the coronavirus that has caused the deadly pandemic, and a good start would be for it to remain out of the World Health Organization, not to rejoin, as the president wants. 

“A good first start is not to go back inside the World Health Organization without getting a single change,” Pompeo said. “They just went back in and turned on the American taxpayer spigot so the WHO can cover for the Chinese Communist Party. That was a misstep.”

He added that he hopes the Biden administration will “take seriously the responsibility” behind determining the origins of the disease and will hold the Chinese accountable for its actions.

“I hope they unite the world,” he said. “The world can see now what the Chinese Communist Party did to them. Europe and India and Brazil are all still struggling with the Wuhan virus. The bio-safety in their lab is inadequate to assure us this won’t happen again.”

Current Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Sunday that China failed to provide access to global health experts and that made the COVID-19 pandemic worse than it had to be. 

He also told NBC’s “Meet the Press” that it is important to “get to the bottom” of the origin of the novel coronavirus, and that China did not give access to international experts or share information in real-time to allow there to be true transparency. 

“(The virus) “got out of hand faster and with, I think, much more egregious results than it might otherwise,” Blinken said.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the WHO’s director-general, said on March 30 that data was withheld from WHO investigators who traveled to China to research the origins of the pandemic.

Source: Newmax

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