NASA shows the planet Saturn, as seen from the Cassini spacecraft. (AP Photo)

NASA shows the planet Saturn, as seen from the Cassini spacecraft. (AP Photo)

Scientists find possible signs of life on Saturn’s moon Enceladus. In a recent interview Dr. Brad Tucker, said NASA’s space probe Cassini found methane, a biproduct of life, emerging from a large sheet of ice.

Dr. Tucker, a cosmologist from Australia National University, said the space probe Cassini was able to collect data from the cracks in the ice that shoot out gases like a geyser.

“When the probes went through these plumes of gas, imagine like geysers shooting out of the cracks,” he explained. “Not only did they detect hydrogen, they detected methane, which is shown to be in the latest study a potential strong by-product of life. You know, think cows, think methane.”

The cosmologist said the data shows it is “very likely that the plumes are habitable to earthlike microorganisms,” but further investigation will be required to test the hypothesis. Dr. Tucker added that in future missions, they may be able to drill through the sheet of ice to look for other signs of life.

Source: One America News Network

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