The Poynter Institute’s Tom Jones has taken CNN anchor Chris Cuomo to task for advising his brother, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, about how the latter should handle the media in light of recent sexual harassment allegations against him.

Jones argued that the anchor crossed the line and quoted a Washington Post article written by Josh Dawsey and Sarah Ellison stating: “Stop and think about what happened here. The host of a primetime show on one of the country’s biggest and most influential cable news networks is advising one of the most powerful and influential politicians in this country on how to handle serious sexual misconduct allegations.”

According to a CNN clip featuring Chris Cuomo, the anchor said he “never tried to influence” coverage on CNN but at the same time offered a public apology. He said he apologized for putting his “colleagues here who I believe are the best in the business in a bad spot. I never intended for that. I would never intend for that. And I am sorry for that.”

The CNN anchor said he could be objective on “just about any topic, but not about my family.” According to Fox News, the CNN anchor told his brother not to back down from the media regarding allegations of sexual harassment.

Multiple women have come forward alleging sexual harassment by the New York governor.

Source: Newmax

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