Rep. Charles “Chip” Roy, R-Texas is pushing legislation to designate specific Mexican drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations which would provide government with the resources to “take them out” reported The Daily Caller.

Roy is reported as telling Fox News the reason for the legislation is so “we can increase the tools to be able to target them but more importantly send a big signal that we [will] take them out,” he said.

“I’ve spent my time talking to people who actually know what’s happening at the border and I’ve been meeting with former DPS agents, people engage with and rooting out cartels and the violence and all they are telling me is that cartels are becoming increasingly violent. All of the data shows it all of the actions show it. We have people in America being shuttled around by cartel-paid American citizens to put them in human trafficking, sex trafficking,” Roy told the Daily Caller.

The “Drug Cartel Terrorist Designation Act” seeks to designate the Reynosa/Los Metros faction of the Gulf Cartel and the Cartel Del Noreste faction of Los Zetas as foreign terrorist organizations under federal law, reported the Daily Caller.

There is currently a continuing surge in illegal immigration at the Southern border.

Under the bill, the State Department must report to Congress within 30 days any other known cartel deserving of the designation, added the Daily Caller.

The Texas representative provided an example of why such a bill needs to be passed.

There was a “woman in San Antonio who was stopped, she can’t read or write, she was being terrorized, being held for ransom by the cartel and they threatened her by showing a picture of her husband, who they had murdered. This is what cartels are doing. They’re doing it in our communities. It is reaching our suburban communities. It’s time for Texas to stand up. It’s time for America to stand up,” he said.

“That’s why I’m introducing a bill to designate them as the terrorist organizations that they are,” Roy continued, “cartels are “undermining our national security. They’re undermining Mexico’s national security. And they are a violent organization that is basically the equivalent of having al-Qaida and ISIS literally operating on our border and we should stop them.”

Notwithstanding the onslaught of people, including children, who illegally transgress our Southern border daily, the White House and the Department of Homeland Security have yet to declare an emergency.

Source: Newmax

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