Rep. Brian Mast (R-Fla.) on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.(Photo by Ting Shen-Pool/Getty Images)

Rep. Brian Mast (R-Fla.) on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.(Photo by Ting Shen-Pool/Getty Images)

Rep. Brian Mast (R-Fla.) called for the impeachment of Joe Biden for committing treason with his disastrous Afghan withdrawal. During an interview on Sunday, the representative from Florida said at least 10,000 Americans lives were put in danger by Biden’s actions in Afghanistan.

Mast stressed impeachment absolutely must be taken into consideration. He added Biden’s policy decisions lacked wisdom, which he attributed to “an element of dementia.”

The Florida lawmaker went on to say Biden’s actions openly contradicted his own statements.

“There’s a lot of a speculation by many that say this president must have dementia or something,” he explained. “That might have something to do with the math, but if you go back and look at press conference after press conference and the way he keeps changing the story, I think it’s more likely this guy is schizophrenic.”

Mast also said Biden may have manipulated Intelligence data for political purposes as well as given aid and comfort to the Taliban, all of which have met the constitutional definition of treason.

Source: One America News Network

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