Rep. Mike Turner, R-Ohio, on Sunday doubled down on a warning from the head of the U.S. nuclear arsenal the United States is unready to face the threat of China and Russia’s nuclear power strides.

In an interview on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures,” Turner noted the testimony last week from Adm. Charles Richard, the commander of U.S. Strategic Command, who told the Senate Armed Services Committee that China’s nuclear weapons arsenal has grown dramatically — and Russia remains a primary nuclear threat for the United States. 

“China’s doubling their nuclear weapons, Russia modernized nuclear weapons and is fielding new capabilities and we’re looking at an aging stockpile and a Congress that may be unwilling to do what needs to be done,” Turner said.

“[Richard] is sounding the alarm as we go forward with the budget process, that we fight for nuclear modernization to make certain we can deter our adversaries.”

According to Turner, the Biden administration “is proposing 16% increases everywhere else but in defense.”

“We need to make certain that America stays strong, that we build a strong military, that we rise to the occasion against the modernization of China and Russia and we’ll be able to keep our allies in the United States safe,” Turner asserted.

Turner also called the announced U.S. withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan a “tragedy.”

“I was talking to [retired four-star] Gen. [David] Petraeus,” he said. “He was saying part of the concern we have is the ability to be able to continue our counterterrorism efforts there.”

Source: Newmax

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