WASHINGTON, D.C. – NOVEMBER 17: House Coronavirus Subcommittee Ranking Member Steve Scalise (R-La.) speaks during a hearing in the Rayburn House Office Building on November 17, 2021 in Washington, D.C. (Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)
Congressman Steve Scalise (R-La.) said the Biden administration is ignoring natural immunity and instead is forcing the COVID vaccine on all Americans.
During an interview on Wednesday, Scalise emphasized how Joe Biden and his administration are ignoring millions of people who recovered from the coronavirus and have obtained natural immunity. He stressed how the White House is only pushed for vaccines instead of offering other existing alternatives.
“There are no investigations or hearings that we’re having on the power of natural immunity…people that got COVID and survived it, and then what does that immunity give you? It gives you a lot of ability to be safe from future variants, and yet they don’t want to focus on that because I think they still want to deal with government control,” said Minority Whip Scalise.
Let this sink in: The Biden Administration's top priority is bullying American citizens and private businesses with vaccine mandates.
Not inflation.
Not the border crisis.
Their top priority is increasing government control of your life.
Scary. pic.twitter.com/yF2LPr7v6O
— Steve Scalise (@SteveScalise) December 15, 2021
Additionally, Scalise noted Democrats are now using COVID-19 and its variants as “pretexts” for centralization of government power in the form of lockdowns, disregarding American freedoms.
“You look at some of the states that just want to continue to control people’s lives. And I think now you have a better opportunity to show the contrast between the governors who believe in people and freedom, and say look, let’s follow the science, let’s protect people, but we can’t shut our economy down. And whatever the latest variant is going to be, there’ll be other variants that come,” said Scalise.
The Louisiana representative further pointed out the shutdowns in response to new variants only make the economy suffer more, adding “we’ve got to follow the science and let people live their lives again.”
Source: One America News Network