Indiana congresswoman Jackie Walorski is pictured. (Larry French/AP Photo)

Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.) and Sen. Mike Braun (R-Ind.) honored congresswoman Jackie Walorski following her death in a car crash. Both lawmakers delivered remarks on the Senate floor Wednesday, sending their condolences to Walorski’s loved ones and the families of her two staffers also killed in the incident earlier in the day.

Braun recalled that Walorski was one of “the first great Hoosiers” he got to know when he was considering running for Senate. He described her as a true leader representing the state of Indiana.

Young called the late congresswoman a “good friend” and praised her love for Indiana. He noted, Walorski devoted her life to fighting for the people she represented. Young highlighted her positive attitude and spirit.

“I know that Jackie loved the state of Indiana,” Young stated. “She loved the Hoosiers throughout the state. She had an incredible sense of humor. So incredibly smart, so talented in many ways and she’ll be missed. I join countless Hoosiers and I know Sen. Braun in praying for her husband, Dean, for her entire family and for all those who came to love and respect Jackie.”

According to Indiana police, the vehicle holding the congresswoman and two staffers was hit head-on by another vehicle after it veered into their lane. The tragic incident prompted an outpouring of support from her colleagues.

Walorski was first elected to Congress back in 2012 and was seeking a sixth term. She was the top GOP member on the Subcommittee for Worker and Family Support. Walorski also served on the House Ways and Means Committee.

Source: One America News Network

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