“Woke” companies that use their corporate identities to stage social protests, such as Coca-Cola or Delta’s statements decrying Georgia’s voting law, should beware of the backlash coming against them, Sen. Rick Scott warned Tuesday. 

“These companies are trying to do one-upmanship about how woke they can be,” the Florida Republican, who chairs the National Republican Senatorial Committee, said on Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom.” “They are lying. What they did in Georgia was not reality. They are just playing to the leftist mob. The American public is not dumb.”

He continued that his committee does polling, and Americans “want voter ID” and other provisions mandated in Georgia’s controversial law, which opponents from President Joe Biden on down have said were put in place to make it more difficult for Black people to vote. 

“They only want American citizens to vote,” said Scott. “They don’t believe you should be able to register and vote the same day or ballot harvest. The American public is pretty smart. These woke companies, CEOs are lecturing the rest of us and it won’t work.”

Scott, in an op-ed he wrote for Fox Business, said that such companies can “cancel as many people as you can right now. Make as much money off slave labor and communist China as you can now. Keep telling your customers how racist and sexist and unsophisticated they are. The backlash is coming.”

But when asked when the backlash will happen, Scott responded that “people aren’t going to put up with it.”

“Look at a company like Coke,” he said. “They go out and lecture us about election laws and they sell Coke in Communist China where they don’t have elections and Delta flies into Communist China. They never complained about their election laws. Major League Baseball. They play a baseball game in a stadium stolen at gunpoint by the Castro regime and play baseball and that’s okay. They don’t have elections down there.”

But in the United States, he said, when a state wants to see a voter’s identification, they’re determined racists. 

“No you aren’t,” said Scott. “You’re trying to make sure there is no fraud in elections. If you’re a racist (by) asking for ID, every airline is a racist and (every) bank is a racist. We’re not racist. We want to have an election where there is no fraud. That’s what we want. We want a free and fair election.”

He also accused Delta CEO Ed Bastian of caving to “the radical left” on Georgia’s bill. 

“They called the CEO and said we want you to go out against it, so he caves in to the left,” said Scott. “Caves into this woke crowd, whoever they are, and so he gives in and starts attacking a bill that made all the sense in the world. It didn’t suppress votes. It wasn’t racist. It says we all believe. We want a free and fair election. We don’t want people to commit fraud. They are getting played by the left.”

Meanwhile, faith leaders in Georgia are preparing for a boycott of Home Depot because it didn’t go public against the voting law, show anchor Bill Hemmer said. 

“Think about this,” said Scott. “Who are they hurting? They’re hurting the people that have jobs. Major League Baseball moved the game and Sen. (Raphael) Warnock supports that. What did he do to his own community? We don’t want those jobs here. Take those jobs to Denver. We don’t want those jobs in our state. You are hurting the same people you act like you care about.”

The backlash will also come when voters put Republicans back in charge of the House and Senate, Scott said. 

“Republicans are fed up with the companies that come up here and beg us to help them with their corporate welfare,” said Scott. “Think about these airlines. How much money did we give the airline industry just last year in the CARES Act? We gave them billions and billions of dollars and they want to come and lecture us how we should do elections and come up here and beg for more money?”

Source: Newmax

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