Sen. Tim Scott said Thursday his rebuttal to President Joe Biden’s address to Congress was met with racial slurs from the left, including the phrase “Uncle Tim” to be used so much that it was trending for a time on Twitter. 

“Intolerance so often comes from the left with words like ‘Uncle Tim’ being used against me by the left,” the South Carolina Republican said on Fox News’ “Fox and Friends.” 

And Scott, the only Black Republican in the Senate, said that after his speech, “what was trending on social media was ‘Uncle Tim,’ and they doubled down on this concept of liberal oppression.”

Twitter confirmed Thursday that it blocked the “Uncle Tim” phrase from appearing, but the trending feature aggregates topics receiving the most attention, and after Scott’s speech rebutting Biden’s, the racist phrase, a play on the “Uncle Tom” slur, was trending. 

“It is stunning in 2021 those who speak about ending discrimination want to end it by more discrimination,” Scott added. “The COVID package itself discriminated against white farmers. Why we had the Pigford settlements in the early 90s so that black farmers would be treated fairly by the federal government. Now we are going to reverse that and discriminate against white farmers. Did we not learn the lesson the first time around?”

Biden’s American Rescue Plan includes about $10.4 billion for agriculture, with about half of that amount going to disadvantaged farmers in the form of debt relief. According to reports, about a quarter of disadvantaged farmers are black, and Republicans, including Scott, say the plan is not fair to white farmers.

Scott added that members of the left haven’t been attacking his policies, but have been “literally attacking the color of my skin.”

“You cannot step out of your lane, according to the liberal elite left,” the senator said. “It is upsetting, certainly, but so disappointing. People who want to be respected and given the opportunity to live their lives any way they want to don’t want the same thing for you and me.”

Instead, “what they want for us is to stay in a small little corner and not go against the tide they think is America,” Scott added. “Their America and my America aren’t the same if they think discriminating is the fastest way to end discrimination. We learned lessons from our past and we should.”

Scott said Wednesday night that the United States is “not a racist country,” and on Thursday said both racism and discrimination are still real but they are “being pushed further and further into a smaller corner in our nation.”

“That is great news,” he said “We should celebrate the progress being made by Black folks and white folks working together, Hispanics and Asians coming together. If you want to be an American the doors wide open, to add value to who we are, to not be part of destructive conversations that the little individuals.”

Vice President Kamala Harris said Thursday that while she agrees with Scott that the United States is not a racist nation, there is still an internal struggle and a history of racism that must be addressed. While Scott said he does agree on the struggle issue, he thinks that is “oftentimes led by the left” but that is a problem “we can solve together.” 

Meanwhile, Scott was asked about his own political aspirations, including campaigning for the White House one day, but he insisted he is not ready to think about that. 

“I’m not ready for the presidency of my homeowners’ association, let alone thinking about the highest office in the land, I want to be reelected as South Carolina’s junior senator. A blessing to live in a state where the possibility of redemption is real and my life, story of getting it wrong and getting it right, so many American kids need to understand that this is the place and you may be the person that can do the greatest things you ever imagined.”

Source: Newmax

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