New York City is in decay under Mayor Bill deBlasio, and likely seeing it’s final days journalist Seth Barron says.

He discussed his new book,”The Last Days of New York: A Reporter’s True Tale,” published by Humanix Books on Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on Friday.

“It’s a grim story,” Barron told Carlson. “De Blasio and his progressive tendency have essentially hollowed out what was a prosperous and safe city. They did this by spreading an ideology of division, class hatred, racial hatred, racial resentment, and frankly, they neutered the police and handcuffed them.”

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Barron added that New York City, under de Blasio, has lacked fiscal responsibility, ruined its school system and let political corruption run rampant. Barron noted that a potential new mayor will have a difficult time rolling back many of de Blasio’s programs, since many were enacted by legislation, such as bail reform and criminal justice reform.

When asked whether any new mayor would deal with the city’s rampant homelessness and vagrancy problems, Barron said that no one really wants to deal with the problems of “clearing people out” or “dealing with the mentally ill,” and that officials would rather impose unsustainable fixes to the problems, such as insisting that developers have to give 25% of new units to the homeless, or use hotels or empty commerical spaces as housing.

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Source: Newmax

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