Stephen Miller, a former senior adviser under previous President Donald Trump, Wednesday said he’s heading “America First Legal,” an organization that is working with several states to file lawsuits against the Biden administration over its “lawless and reckless policies.”

Miller told Fox News’ “Fox and Friends” that the organization is already working with Texas and Arizona, and pointed to a lawsuit in Florida filed over a new policy that allows illegal immigrants who commit crimes to be released into the United States after they serve their prison sentences rather than having Immigration and Customs Enforcement return them to their countries of origin. 

“For years prior if they were released would be promptly removed from the country,” said Miller. “ICE is no longer picking the individuals up and they are being released back into the U.S., back into your community.”

Miller’s organization says it is focused on administrative law and executive overreach, reports Politico. The group has gotten guidance from former Sen. Jim DeMint’s Conservative Partnership Institute and Bill Clinton-impeachment lawyer Ken Starr, who also served on Trump’s first impeachment defense team. Former Justice Department Gene Hamilton, a former Justice Department lawyer, is expected to oversee the group’s legal work, as Miller is not a trained attorney. 

Former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows is serving on the group’s board. 

Meanwhile, Miller said that Biden could reverse the flow of migrants crossing the border if he’d return to Trump’s remain in Mexico policy, but the president would have to apologize to Mexico first. 

“I have had a chance to work with the Mexican government and I can tell you if Joe Biden called the Mexican president and said we made a mistake, I apologize for assaulting your country, apologize for assaulting a country’s implementation, specifically, I was wrong, let’s resume remain in Mexico, I guarantee you Mexico would say deal, let’s get back up and running,” said Miller. 

But during Biden’s first day in office, he declared the policy was an abuse of human rights, and a violation to ask people to live in Mexico. 

“Can you imagine if you are a Mexican citizen how insulting that is?” said Miller. “They should apologize and say let’s resume the program, and I guarantee they will.”

Meanwhile, the Mexican border towns are being overwhelmed by people not only from the Northern Triangle countries of Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador but “the rest of Planet Earth,” said Miller. But reinstating the program would stop the incentive for people to travel to the United States because they would not be able to easily enter the country. 

“When you have a program like remain in Mexico in place it drastically cuts down the burdens on the people of Mexico,” he said. “They don’t want illegal immigration either.”

Biden should also call the three triangle countries and say the administration was wrong for terminating Trump’s agreements with them, and if that happened, Mexico’s cooperation would no longer be needed, said Miller. 

The White House did announce on Monday that it has secured agreements with Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala to increase security along their borders. 

However, Miller said Biden won’t fix the border issue, because Democrats are “committed to the idea of uncontrolled illegal migration.”

“My advice to Republicans is this: Put language in the next appropriations bill that says no fund shall be used to increase illegal immigrants into the United States,” he said. “They gave us appropriations right is all-time to keep illegal immigrants in the country, Republicans, to keep illegal immigrants out of the country.”

Source: Newmax

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