Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Sunday pushed back on President Joe Biden’s reforms on gun ownership, saying Americans need their guns now more than ever.

In an interview on “Fox News Sunday,” Abbott blasted the use of executive orders he claimed aimed directly at the Second Amendment.

“There is no acceptable way that a president by executive order can infringe or alter Second Amendment rights,” Abbott declared.

“We need that self defense now more than ever,” he said, citing the danger of drug cartels in Texas and defunding the police efforts across the nation.

“Texans and Americans know they need the second amendment rights,” he said.

“If the president really wanted to do something substantively, what he could do by executive order is to eliminate the backlog of complaints that have already been filed about gun crimes that have taken place….by executive action could cut down on gun graft.”

Last Thursday, Biden unveiled a raft of executive actions aimed at curbing gun violence and tightening firearm controls, including asking the Department of Justice to propose a rule to stop ”ghost guns,” or homemade firearms that usually are assembled from parts and milled with a metal-cutting machine and often lack serial numbers used to trace them.

A second proposed rule will tighten regulations on pistol-stabilizing braces, like the one used by the Boulder, Colorado, shooter last month.

“No amendment to the Constitution is absolute … From the very beginning, you couldn’t own any weapon you wanted to own. From the very beginning the Second Amendment existed, certain people weren’t allowed to have weapons. So the idea is just bizarre to suggest that some of the things we’re recommending are contrary to the Constitution.”

In his Sunday interview, Abbott also warned that the migrant surge on the southern border “will get worse.”

There is “a bipartisan response … who are pushing back at the Biden administration,” over the issue, Abbott said. “This situation will get worse.”

Abbott urged Biden to put back in place the Trump administration “Remain in Mexico” policy, continue to build a wall on the border and “send a stronger message these people should not be coming here.”

“The Biden administration was simply unprepared for the flood of immigrants coming in,” he asserted.

Source: Newmax

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