AUSTIN, TX – JULY 10: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott speaks during a border security briefing with sheriffs from border communities at the Texas State Capitol on July 10 in Austin, Texas. (Photo by Tamir Kalifa/Getty Images)

Texas Governor Greg Abbott is taking further steps to rein in the crisis at the southern border. The Republican recently addressed the recent horrific finding at the southern border, a truck filled with deceased migrant, and demanded action be taken.

“Under President Trump, we saw the fewest illegal crossings in decades,” he stated. “Under President Biden we see all-time record highs.”

In a press conference on Wednesday, Abbott said the truck carrying the migrants had to have travel through a checkpoint, but likely passed unchecked due to limited Border Patrol resources.

“Many of these deaths could’ve been prevented if Biden simply fully funded the Border Patrol operation of the United States of America and implemented the policies that the Border Patrol needs in order to do the real job,” asserted the Governor. “…The real job is both to secure the border as well as to do things like inspect the vehicle that was carrying those people who lost their lives.”

Abbott further urged the Biden administration to reinstate Trump-era policies like finishing the wall and re-implementing remain in Mexico. He highlighted the efforts of his own state while suggesting Texas is doing more than any state in history, including building its own wall and boosting security at the border.

“DPS (Department of Public Safety) will create and implement a checkpoint strategy beginning immediately where they will begin targeting trucks like the one that was used where these people perished,” said Abbott. “To make sure that we will have a better capability of perhaps stopping future trucks like that, as well as stopping the smugglers and the cartel members who are trying to profiteer off of it.”

The Texan even went so far as threatening to take legal action against President Biden, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and other operatives in the federal government if they fail to secure the border.

Source: One America News Network

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