Dawson Springs, Kentucky, parents Douglas and Jackie Koon announced via Facebook that their 2-month-old baby Oaklynn had died after succumbing to injuries endured during the tornado that swept through Kentucky. The tornado killed more than 60 people.

“At least I know who will be watching over you up there for me,”  the parents shared via Facebook after announcing their daughter Oaklynn had passed away.

“God this doesn’t seem real,” the parents added.

On Sunday, the parents shared an update about their daughter’s health:

It’s not looking good guys at all. The machines are keeping her alive. Her head swelled really bad. She doesn’t have activity. So now where going to have to make a decision. I can’t believe I’m writing this write now and I know I haven’t got back to everyone. I’ve gotten so much love for my family. Donations, prayers, call, texts. We love you guys. It really does take a village. Wish I was saying better news and I really thought this was by far of what the outcome was going to be. I’m in shock, my heart feels absolutely shattered. We love you Oakie

By early Monday morning, she had passed away.

According to the New York Post, Oaklynn’s brother was hospitalized and released Sunday. Likewise, the Koons and nearly the entire town of Dawson Springs had lost untold material items, including their entire house:

The family’s home was completely obliterated by the tornado, according to photos posted on social media. Children’s toys could be been scattered among the debris.

Chris Smiley, the mayor of Dawson Springs, estimated on Sunday that 75 percent of their small town was wiped out by the tornado.

The New York Post noted that the Koons’ update came just before Governor Andy Beshear (D-KY) gave an official update on the death toll Monday morning.

As reported by The Daily Wire, Beshear was emotional during his press conference:

Kentucky Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear struggled to hold back his emotions on Monday as he updated the media regarding recovery efforts in his state following devastating tornadoes over the weekend.

“Like the folks in Western Kentucky, I’m not doing so well today,” Beshear said. “And I’m not sure how many of us are.”

Beshear also shared an emotional story regarding his notes for the media update.

“I was working on getting the confirmed deaths this morning and realized I was writing on the back of notes that one of my kids took from school. And here’s what it is. Its notes on inertia. It means that an object that’s in motion will stay in motion. So we’re going to keep putting one foot in front of the other and push through this,” he said.

The governor also encouraged residents to get the help they need, promising “we’re going to be with you.”

“Everybody get the help you need, take care of yourself, and we’ll continue to provide updates. To the people of Western Kentucky, we’re not going anywhere. We’re going to be with you today, we’re going to be with you tomorrow, and we’re going to be there with you to rebuild,” Beshear said.

The Koons’ Facebook post had thousands of comments from supporters and strangers sending their condolences for the loss of their child.

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Source: Dailywire

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