Oklahoma Republican Sen. James Lankford on Monday blasted Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) plan to change the chamber’s rules, arguing the effort is “a threat to our Republic.”

“Schumer’s threat to change the rules of the Senate unless he gets his way is not just a temper tantrum; it is a threat to our Republic. For over two centuries, the Senate is the one place in our government where minority opinions have a voice, unless Senator Schumer gets his way,” Lankford said in a statement.

“In 2017, 32 Senate Democrats signed a letter saying that the filibuster should not change—27 of those Democrats are still in the Senate. Now that they are in power, they want to do whatever it takes to pass their progressive legislative agenda by changing the historic rules of our Republic,” he added.

Lankford also addressed what he called the “absurd” claim by Democrats that Republicans do not want fair elections.

“It is absurd to claim that Republicans do not want free and fair elections. We all want fair elections,” the senator wrote.

Instead, Lankford noted that it is Democrats who want to federalize elections to extend “overreach” that benefits keeping them in power.

“Democrats want to federalize our elections over the states and local authorities in blue and red states. Their absurd overreach only benefits keeping them in power and is not what’s in the best interest of Americans,” he said.

Schumer vowed on Monday that he will push a vote on changing the Senate rules by January 17, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, if Republicans continue to oppose his party’s voting rights bill.

“If Republicans continue to block our efforts, The Senate will debate and consider changes to Senate rules on or before January 17, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, to protect the foundation of our democracy: Free and fair elections,” Schumer tweeted.

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Schumer also sent a letter on Monday to the members of the Senate Democratic Caucus regarding the issue.

“The fight for the ballot is as old as the Republic. Over the coming weeks, the Senate will once again consider how to perfect this union and confront the historic challenges facing our democracy,” Schumer wrote.

“We hope our Republican colleagues change course and work with us. But if they do not, the Senate will debate and consider changes to Senate rules on or before January 17, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, to protect the foundation of our democracy: free and fair elections,” he added.

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Source: Dailywire

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