Every Republican senator is expected to challenge the Biden Administration’s vaccine mandate via the Congressional Review Act on Wednesday.

According to a report from Fox News, the Congressional Review Act is “ the official process for Congress to eliminate an executive branch rule.” The mandate, which says that businesses with more than 100 employees must implement a rule by January 4 requiring their workers to get vaccinated or tested weekly for COVID-19.

“President Biden’s vaccine mandate is an unconstitutional invasion of what should be a personal medical decision for every American and an affront to the rights of 80 million American workers,” Indiana Senator Mike Braun told Fox.

He continued, “Today, my Republican colleagues and I will formally challenge this federal overreach, and I urge the Senate to vote in favor of this disapproval resolution when it comes to the Floor for a filibuster-proof, simple-majority vote in early December.”

The resolution would need at least one Democrat to support it in the 50-50 Senate, and it would still need to head to Biden’s desk for approval. At least one Republican aide said, however, that it could at least put pressure on the president. 

“If this level of support holds in the House, it would force President Biden to veto a disapproval resolution for his mandate that has already been under siege in the courts and the court of public opinion,” a Republican aide told Fox News. “As President Biden tries to pass ‘transformational’ change through reconciliation with a simple majority vote, it would force him to veto a simple majority disapproval of his unconstitutional vaccine mandate for businesses.”

Braun also said that he wanted Americans to speak their thoughts on the vaccine mandate. 

“I encourage Americans to make their voice heard to their representatives on this issue, and we welcome any Democratic member of the Senate to join us in overturning this unconstitutional mandate causing turmoil across the country,” he said. 

The Ohio-based 6th Circuit has been chosen to hear a challenge to the mandate, which means The Daily Wire appears to be the lead plaintiff in the case as it was the first to file suit in the region. The Daily Wire’s lawsuit seeks to overturn Biden’s executive action, arguing that the order is unconstitutional and that the Biden administration violated federal law in drafting it.” 

“Forcing Americans to choose between their livelihoods and their freedom is a grotesque abuse of power and we won’t be a party to it,” The Daily Wire’s Jeremy Boreing explained. “We will not incur the cost of implementing this testing regime. We will not incur the liability of inserting ourselves into the private health decisions and information of our employees. Our company was founded to stand against tyranny, and we will.”

An appeals court has put a stay on the mandate with a judge arguing that it might not be constitutional. 

“The public interest is also served by maintaining our constitutional structure and maintaining the liberty of individuals to make intensely personal decisions according to their own convictions – even, or perhaps particularly, when those decisions frustrate government officials,” Judge Kurt Engelhardt said.  

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Source: Dailywire

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