Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky highlighted the courage of his nation during a video address on national television Thursday night, telling citizens “being brave is our brand.”

Zelensky shared the message as Ukraine marked the 43rd day since the start of Russia’s invasion on February 24.

“We have always been brave. The bravest in the world. I am sure of that. Because who else would do what Ukrainians do? Who else had so much courage to constantly fight against any manifestations of tyranny and defend freedom? In every election, in revolutions and in war. Who else had the courage to fight against all Russian forces on land, in the air and at sea? Who else had the courage to go unarmed against Russian armored vehicles where the Russians temporarily managed to seize something? Who else had the courage to tell the world that hypocrisy is a bad weapon? And not just to tell, but to convince and restore honesty in the world. Who else had the courage to persuade the largest global companies to forget about accounting and recall morality? And to teach all political leaders – whatever they are – to be at least a little Ukrainian… At least a little brave,” Zelensky said.

“In fact, this is our brand. This is what it means to be us. To be Ukrainians. To be brave,” he added.

Zelensky said that if everyone worldwide had similar bravery, there would be “no danger” to freedom.

“We will spread our courage. We will start a special global campaign. We will teach the world to be not just a little bit, but full of courage. Like us, like Ukrainians,” the Ukrainian president stated.

The rousing words came on the same day that the United Nations Human Rights Council voted to suspend Russia’s participation.

“Suspending RF’s participation in the @UN_HRC is an important step. This is another punishment for RF’s aggression against. Grateful for the partners’ solidarity. We must continue coordinated pressure on RF at all international forums. Let’s force RF to seek peace together!” Zelensky said on Twitter.

The televised speech also aired just hours before Russia continued its attacks in eastern Ukraine. A Russian rocket attack on a train station used to evacuate civilians killed more than 30 people and injured over 80 others on Friday. The Daily Wire reported:

Donetsk regional governor Pavlo Kyrylenko shared details of the brutal destruction on Twitter Friday.

“Russians hit Kramatorsk train station with a missile bearing cluster ammunition,” Kyrylenko wrote. “Thousands of civilians were waiting for evacuation there, dozens killed and injured. Russians knew exactly whom they were targeting. RF is an Empire of Evil and always have been. It must be punished!”

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Source: Dailywire

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