Daily Wire editor emeritus Ben Shapiro posted a lengthy thread to Twitter on Friday detailing what Democrats and their allies in the media are finally “now willing to admit” about COVID-19.

In the eight-tweet long thread, Shapiro listed ten truths that have been repeatedly denied by those on the Left, but have since been admitted, including the truth about cloth masks, overstated case-counts of COVID-19, what type of protection the vaccine actually provides, and the people who are truly at risk for severe disease.

“So once it became clear that covid was not in fact a pagan god visiting vengeance on the unwashed Trump voters alone, the media and Democrats are now willing to admit the following,” “The Ben Shapiro Show” host started the thread:

1. Cloth masks are ineffective against omicron (Leanna Wen, CNN);

2. The vaccinated can spread and get covid;

3. The death rate is comparable to the flu (Chris Hayes);

4. Many people are entering hospitals with covid, not from covid (Fauci);

5. Natural immunity is a reason omicron hasn’t been as virulent (Fauci);

6. We have to take into account societal needs, not just spread prevention (CDC);

7. The asymptomatic should not be tested (NFL);

8. We should focus on hospitalizations and deaths, not case rate (Biden);

9. Children are not at risk and schools should remain open;

10. Covid is predominantly an illness affecting the immunocompromised and elderly and we should not shut down society.

“Those of us in reality have been saying all this for months and most of it since May 2020,” he continued. “But your political priors were more important than the data. You had to have your demonization narrative.”

“So welcome to reality,” Shapiro said. “And f*** all y’all for pretending you didn’t know this so you could have fun crapping on Trump and DeSantis and all your red state relatives.”

The author then hit on Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Democrats pushing mandates and lockdown measures to “stay in your states and leave mine alone.”

Notably, AOC was revealed to be maskless and drinking outside in sunny Florida, where lockdown measures and mandates have been largely dismantled by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis.

“And [by the way], AOC and all you Leftist covid fanatics — those whose virtue signaling authoritarian lockdown nonsense that has resulted in millions of lives destroyed — stay in your states and leave mine alone,” Shapiro explained. “We chose data and freedom. You chose alarmism and unearned moral superiority. Stay in NY, NJ, CA, and the rest — and enjoy the actual paranoid nanny state you created among your friends who reward you for telling them they will kill their kids and grandma if they don’t panic.”

The thread quickly went viral online. Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) quote-tweeted the post: “Epic thread read til the end.” He also posted about it on this Instagram account.

And Crenshaw was far from alone in offering an endorsement:

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Source: Dailywire

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