Bestselling author Peter Schweizer joined The Daily Wire’s “Morning Wire” to explain the federal investigation into Hunter Biden’s taxes and its possible links to his father, President Joe Biden.

Schweizer, who also serves as president of the Government Accountability Institute, spoke to “Morning Wire” for its Friday episode. The bestselling author known for his investigations into government corruption said that the FBI and IRS’s investigation into Hunter Biden consists of four parts.

“One is tax evasion, that he failed to pay millions of dollars in taxes from money that came overseas. There’s also allegations potentially of money laundering; that would be moving money around for maybe foreign oligarchs or other people who are trying to hide assets,” Schweizer explained. “The third thing that they’re looking at is violations of the so-called FARA Act, Foreign Agents Registration Act, which means if you lobby the U.S. government, asking them for some kind of action on behalf of a foreign actor, you are required to register with the Department of Justice. That’s something Hunter Biden didn’t do.”

“Finally, they’re looking at the possibility of political corruption. Was there payments being made to Hunter Biden because they wanted something from his father?” Schweizer added.

Schweizer went on to explain how the fourth part of the federal probe could implicate President Biden.

“Hunter Biden was doing these deals precisely at the time that his father was the named point person on U.S. policy towards Ukraine. So there’s a certain, at minimum, coincidence there,” he noted. President Biden, when he was vice president, led U.S. foreign policy toward Ukraine during former President Barack Obama’s second term. Biden was responsible for approving military aid for the former soviet state.

“The allegation is that Ukrainian oligarchs want certain favorable treatments from Joe Biden because he had so much pull on the aid dollars coming into the country and what the U.S. posture would be that they basically gave Hunter Biden this energy job of a million dollars a year, even though he had no background and experience in Ukraine or energy,” Schweizer said. “The same could be said as it relates to China policy in Russia policy as well, because Hunter Biden had dealings there while his father was also driving U.S. policy in those areas during the Obama administration.”

Schweizer said that Hunter Biden’s overseas dealings directly implicate President Biden in several ways, including from emails pulled from Hunter Biden’s missing laptop, which was reported on in the run-up to the 2020 election. Stories stemming from the laptop were censored at the time by social media giants Facebook and Twitter.

“First of all, he not only was using the family name, there’s evidence, actually in the Hunter Biden laptop, that meetings were set up and some of those meetings were off the books, meaning they did not appear on the White House visitors log,” Schweizer said. “So, there seems to have been some kind of access granted — whether that’s illegal or not, of course, is another question.”

“The other way it involves Joe Biden, the President of the United States, is it’s clear from the laptop that Joe Biden and Hunter Biden had intertwined finances, meaning Hunter Biden was getting money from these overseas deals,” he continued. “He was paying some of his father’s monthly bills, but he was also paying for things like renovations on his father’s home in Delaware, et cetera. That’s patently illegal in the United States. Politicians can’t be subsidized by family members. And the fact that the money came from overseas of course means that, uh, that has further implications. So this does directly involve Joe Biden.”

Friday’s episode of Morning Wire, and all episodes of Morning Wire, can be listened to here.

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Source: Dailywire

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