President Joe Biden released a statement celebrating the “achievements of women and girls” on Tuesday as his administration continues to push for biological males to be in women’s sports and spaces.

The president’s International Women’s Day statement specifically references the White House’s National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality — a strategy that repeatedly emphasizes the importance of recognizing some biological men as women.

“On International Women’s Day, we recognize the achievements of women and girls in the United States and across the globe, celebrate the progress we’ve made, and recommit ourselves to the work that remains to deliver the full measure of equity, dignity, and opportunity due to all women and girls,” the president said in a statement.

“Every person deserves the chance to live up to their full God-given potential, without regard for gender or other factors,” he continued. “Ensuring that every woman and girl has that chance isn’t just the right thing to do — it’s also a strategic imperative that advances the prosperity, stability, and security of our nation and the world.”

Biden warned that “too often,” women and girls are faced with obstacles limiting their abilities — obstacles that he says have been “exposed and exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.”

“Improving the status of women and girls strengthens economies, democracies, and societies across the board,” he continued. “That’s why I made gender equity a cornerstone of my Administration by creating the White House Gender Policy Council shortly after taking office a year ago.”

“It’s why we issued the first-ever National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality — an ambitious agenda to support women and families through both domestic and foreign policy,” Biden said.

The president promised that his 2023 Budget will request $2.6 billion “for foreign assistance programs that promote gender equality worldwide, more than doubling the amount requested for gender programs last year.”

“On this day and every day, let us recognize that all of us have a better future when women and girls can reach their full potential — and together, let’s renew our efforts to advance dignity, equality, and limitless possibilities for all,” he added.

The Biden administration has repeatedly pushed for legislation like the Equality Act, under which biological men who identify as transgender women would be allowed to participate in girls’ sports and would be allowed in women’s spaces, such as women’s prisons, locker rooms, and restrooms.

“An individual shall not be denied access to a shared facility, including a restroom, a locker room and a dressing room, that is in accordance with the individual’s gender identity,” the bill’s text reads.

Supporters insist the Equality Act promotes love and equality and ensures that LGBTQ Americans share equal rights with their fellow citizens.

Critics like the pro-life Charlotte Lozier Institute argue that the Equality Act “attacks the lives of countless unborn children, endangers Catholic and other pro-life health care providers, provides a basis for challenging all state and federal limits on public funding of abortion, and treats religious believers as second-class citizens who must violate their fundamental moral convictions to serve the goals of the pro-abortion movement.”

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Source: Dailywire

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