“Dirty Jobs” host Mike Rowe called out President Joe Biden’s student debt cancellation plan, saying it’s the “biggest pre-Labor Day slap in the face” to working people he’s ever seen.

In the 60-year-old TV host’s recent Facebook post, Rowe admitted he tries hard to “avoid the politics of the moment” on his page and focus only on the impact his foundation has on helping people gain a skilled trade. However, he said after Biden announced his student loan cancellation plan, transferring “billions of dollars” in loans “onto the backs” of the very people his foundation has spent the last two decades helping, he had to say something.

Rowe shared what his foundation does, which is helping award “work-ethic scholarships to individuals who choose to forego an expensive, four-year education in favor of a skilled trade.” He then stated why Biden’s plan is more than unfair.

“When I do weigh in, I try to acknowledge both sides of the argument, and make my points with as much respect as I can muster,” the host wrote. “Today, however, I can see only one side. Today, I can find nothing to respect in the President’s decision to transfer billions of dollars in outstanding student loans onto the backs of those people my foundation tries to assist — the same people I’ve spent the last twenty years profiling on Dirty Jobs.”

“With that in mind, I’m not going to write the piece I just sat down to write,” he added. “Instead, I’m going to share the attached article from Charlie Cooke, who writes better than I do, and shares my disdain for what just happened. If you share our disdain, then please, share this post as well. This decision is without question, the biggest pre-Labor Day slap in the face to working people I’ve ever seen.”

Rowe’s post included a National Review article titled, “Biden’s Student-Debt Bonfire Is a Classist Message to the Uncredentialed: Screw ‘Em.”

Rowe and Cooke aren’t the only people who have slammed the president’s plan to cancel $10,000 in debt for those earning less than $125,000 a year, as The Daily Wire previously reported.

Daily Wire Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro shared on “The Ben Shapiro Show” that when Biden calls the debt cancellation plan ”fair,” the president means “that if you didn’t get a college degree, you’re subsidizing people who went to college. And that if you paid off your college loans, you’re subsidizing people who didn’t.”

Source: Dailywire

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