Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) tore into Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the Chief Medical Advisor to the President, during a Fox News interview on Monday evening, saying that Fauci has done more damage to science than anyone.

“Dr. Fauci, I think is the most dangerous bureaucrat in the history of the country,” Cruz said. “You know, he talks, a moment ago you just played, about hurting science. I don’t think anyone has hurt science, has hurt the credibility of the CDC, has hurt the credibility of doctors more than Dr. Fauci because throughout this pandemic, he’s been dishonest. He’s been political. He’s been partisan. And and the American people know it.”

Cruz brought up Fauci’s remarks on Sunday where Fauci attacked Cruz after Cruz had previously called on the Department of Justice to investigate Fauci for allegedly lying to Congress.

“This weekend he did this long interview, where he gave the answer he said, ‘I represent science. I am science.’ I gotta admit, Sean, I was laughing. It’s like Louis the 14th, the Sun King in France, saying …, ‘I am the state,’” Cruz said. “It is this delusion of grandeur that you cannot criticize him. And it was very striking, you know, in the course of that interview, he was asked about, I asked the Attorney General Merrick Garland, if he’s going to investigate and prosecute Dr. Fauci for lying to Congress, and Margaret Brennan asked him about that. And what did Fauci do? He didn’t discuss any of the substance. Instead, he just attacked and engage in ad hominem attacks. He basically did the Beavis and Butt-Head defense. He just screamed liars at everything. But, you know, facts are stubborn things.”



SEN. TED CRUZ (R-TX): You know, Dr. Fauci, I think is the most dangerous bureaucrat in the history of the country. You know, he talks, a moment ago you just played, about hurting science. I don’t think anyone has hurt science, has hurt the credibility of the CDC, has hurt the credibility of doctors more than Dr. Fauci because throughout this pandemic, he’s been dishonest. He’s been political. He’s been partisan. And and the American people know it. Why is it that the Biden administration decreed that masks have to be worn in schools by kids?

Well, because teachers’ union bosses wanted it and that’s not a scientific reason. That is a data reason. And you know, this weekend he did this long interview, where he gave the answer he said, “I represent science. I am science.” I gotta admit, Sean, I was laughing. It’s like Louie the 14th, the Sun King in France, saying …, “I am the state.” It is this delusion of grandeur that you cannot criticize him. And it was very striking, you know, in the course of that interview, he was asked about, I asked the Attorney General Merrick Garland, if he’s going to investigate and prosecute Dr. Fauci for lying to Congress, and Margaret Brennan asked him about that. And what did Fauci do? He didn’t discuss any of the substance. Instead, he just attacked and engage in ad hominem attacks. He basically did the Beavis and Butthead defense. He just screamed liars at everything. But, you know, facts are stubborn things, Sean.

And so here are the simple facts that Fauci needs to explain and the Department of Justice should investigate. So, on May 11, Fauci testified before a Senate committee that “The NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain of function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.” That’s a clear categorical statement. But then on October 20, the NIH wrote that they funded an experiment at the Wuhan lab testing: “If spike proteins from naturally occurring bat coronaviruses circulating in China were capable of binding to the human ACE-2 receptor in a mouse model, that is gain of function research, that is taking an existing virus and modifying it to make it more dangerous to humans.” And listen at the end of the day, 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 makes it a felony punishable by up to five years in prison for lying to Congress. The statements from Dr. Fauci and the NIH are directly contradictory. And I gotta say, I think Margaret Brennan is a talented journalist, but she dropped the ball and not following up letting him just respond with insults, instead of asking him the simple question, “You stated that we don’t fund gain a function research; the NIH stated we do fund gain of function research; they can’t both be true. And if you lied to Congress, it’s a felony,” she didn’t press him on that. And the reason this matters is there is a lot of circumstantial evidence to suggest that the U.S. government participated in funding research, modifying coronaviruses that could well have led to COVID-19. And if that’s true, that is stunning and indefensible. We know the Chinese government has enormous culpability, but there’s a real possibility the American government under Dr. Fauci does as well, and that’s what he doesn’t want to address.

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