The new streaming service DailyWire+ announced Wednesday the launch of a new limited series by Dr. Jordan Peterson, titled “Dragons, Monsters, and Men.”

The four-part series, available now, centers around the topics of men, masculinity, and purpose, and streams exclusively on DailyWire+, a new subscription-based podcast and video-on-demand streaming service the company announced on Wednesday.

Episode 1, “What Makes a Man?”, features Peterson daring to answer the most basic question: What is a man? This first part of the series will take its audience on a journey to discover the dragons worth slaying in their story, and using the adventure called life to recognize that “there’s great treasure to be found, including in yourself.”

“Arm Yourself,” the second episode, introduces Peterson’s advice to “follow the rules, but not stupid rules.” By being literate and reciprocating peacemaking, Peterson contends, this chapter will teach its audience how to unleash the spirit of voluntary fun and develop purpose.

In the third episode of the series, “Be the Prince, You’ll Find the Princess,” Peterson questions whether society actively promotes the “forever bachelor.” By examining today’s dating scene and contrasting cultural norms, Peterson deconstructs popular opinion.

The last episode, “Be Great,” closes the series with Peterson exploring the strategies and bold roles of a father. “Harness your purpose in relation to women, children, and the household,” concludes the show.

Source: Dailywire

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