Catholic politicians in the Mexican state of Sinaloa who voted for a pro-abortion law will reportedly not be allowed to receive Holy Communion or be named godparents.

Sinaloa’s legislature has voted to legalize aborting unborn babies who are up to 13 weeks old, the Catholic News Agency (CNA) reported, noting that Sinaloa, part of the Culiacán Diocese, is the seventh Mexican state to legalize abortion.

Father Miguel Ángel Soto Gaxiola, who serves as director of the Culiacán Commission for Life, Family, Youth and Laity spoke out in condemnation of these pro-abortion Catholic politicians.

Denying these politicians Holy Communion is “the recognition of the objectively unworthy state of a person to receive the Body of Christ,” said the priest, according to CNA.

“Today we have many people scandalized by the public betrayal of the Church’s teaching on faith and morals by those legislators who call themselves ‘Catholic,’” wrote Gaxiola in a letter to politicians, according to CNA.

“Indeed, the questioning of the faithful makes sense,” he added. “How can a Catholic who openly promotes and is in favor of policies contrary to Life come to Mass and approach to take communion?”

“In the Magisterium of the Church, the value of life has always and at all times been defended from its conception until its natural death,” the priest said.

The letter also criticized politicians who say they personally are against abortion but will support public policies that include legalizing abortion, the publication reported.

He continued: “Answering the question: Can a deputy or any person who professes to be a Catholic, while openly cooperating or legislating against life, receive Holy Communion? No. You cannot approach Sacramental Communion. Nor that person can be a godparent or companion of other people who want to receive other sacraments such as baptism.”

President Joe Biden, who has repeatedly said in the past that he is personally opposed to abortion, has been lauded by both the media and by members of his administration as a “devout Catholic.”

Video footage from early March shows EWTN reporter Owen Jensen confronting Biden about his continued support for abortion, though the Catholic Church teaches that abortion is “a crime against human life.”

“As a Catholic, why do you support abortion,” Jensen asks.

“I don’t want to get in a debate with you on theology,” Biden responds. “I’m not going to make a judgment for other people.”

“But you’re Catholic,” the reporter continued, as the president moved on to another question.

Biden has repeatedly been criticized for embracing abortion as a Catholic.

Though he has frequently referenced his Catholic faith throughout his political career, Biden heads a pro-abortion administration in which radical legislation, like the Equality Act and the Women’s Health Protection Act, is championed. He has also called for Roe v Wade, the monumental Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion, to be enshrined into law.

Biden formerly referenced his faith as a reason for his pro-life votes in the Senate, but changed his stance on the Hyde Amendment, which bans the use of federal funding for abortions except in cases of rape, incest or if the mother’s life is in danger, on the campaign trail in 2019.

The Biden administration has not said that there should be any limits on abortion at any point during a pregnancy, and Biden’s continued support for abortion has prompted strong condemnation from Catholic leaders like Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone and discussion among United States Catholic bishops on whether they should tell the president not to receive communion.

Pope Francis, who frequently condemns abortion, has not openly critiqued the president’s abortion stances.

Biden privately met with Pope Francis in October and said that the pope “was happy I’m a good Catholic” and said Biden “should keep receiving communion.”

The Vatican did not confirm or deny this report, though top-ranking Vatican officials warned United States bishops not to vote to deny the president communion based on his anti-Catholic stances.

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Source: Dailywire

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