The Democrat Party of Virginia wants to block the state Constitution’s current social security number requirements for voter registration, but a new motion to intervene from the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) could challenge the Democrats’ attempts to undermine election integrity in the Commonwealth.

PILF asked the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia Richmond Division on Wednesday to grant the organization permission to become a party in a lawsuit by the Democrat Party of Virginia, represented by Russia hoax lawyer Marc Elias.

In its proposed answer, PILF argues that the Democrat organization’s efforts to change the voter registration requirements are unfounded.

“After the 2021 election of a Republican Governor in the Commonwealth, and within days of a Democratic Attorney General being replaced, Plaintiffs are suddenly concerned with alleged reluctance of voters providing to them their full social security number…Plaintiffs have failed to allege any factual allegations to support this claim,” PILF argued.

As noted in the legal filings, the social security requirements have been present in the state for more than 50 years, and getting rid of them now with a complaint “riddled with factual allegations even if true” that does “not entitle Plaintiffs to relief under either of the Counts alleged” appears to be a partisan swipe at taking over Virginia’s election processes.

“This lawsuit is an attack on basic election integrity measures,” PILF President J. Christian Adams said in a statement. “These rules exist to protect the right to vote and must always be followed to ensure free and fair elections. The Supreme Court has ruled that states have the power to pass measures to prevent election fraud. This election integrity provision has existed for 50 years.”

Source: The Federalist

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