Dr. Dawn Hughes, a forensic and clinical psychologist called to testify as an expert witness by Amber Heard’s legal team, said Wednesday that Heard admitted to her that she hit her now-ex-husband Johnny Depp during a “number of instances.”

Earlier in the week, Hughes suggested on the stand that Heard engaged in “reactive violence” when dealing with Depp. She also said that she believed Depp sexually and physically assaulted Heard during their relationship, based in part off of her interviews with Heard starting in September 2019.

“Just so I understand your position on this, is it your position that, if Ms. Heard was abused, she gets to hit Mr. Depp?” an attorney for Depp asked Hughes, testing the psychologist’s definition of “reactive violence.”

“That’s not my opinion,” Hughes responded.

“But you know she hits him, right?” the attorney pressed.

Nodding in the affirmative, Hughes answered, “And I testified to that.”

“How many times did she admit to hitting him?” Depp’s legal team asked.

“She indicated a number of times in a number of instances,” Hughes admitted.

Depp’s legal team then played audio of Heard admitting to hitting Depp. Here’s a portion of that audio transcript:

“You’ve been in a lot of fights, you’ve been around a long time,” Heard said. “You didn’t get punched. You got hit. I’m sorry I hit you like this, but I did not punch you. I did not f***ing deck you. I f***ing was hitting you. I don’t know what the motion of my actual hand was.”

“But you’re fine,” the actress told Depp. “I did not hurt you, I did not punch you, I was hitting you.”

“I’m not sitting here b****ing about, am I? You are. That’s the difference between me and you. You’re a f***ing baby,” she added. “You are such a baby! Grow the f*** up, Johnny.”

“Do you agree with Ms. Heard that it’s ‘admirable’ to retreat from a fight?” Depp’s team asked Hughes, referring to Heard in the audio calling her then-husband “admirable” to leaving during the fight.

“It is admirable to retreat from a fight,” Hughes answered, agreeing that this fight would not qualify as an “instance of reactive violence” from Heard, if the audio was “true.”

Hughes on the stand maintained that Heard suffered more “frequent” and at times more “severe” injuries than Depp throughout their marriage.

In another instance of Heard allegedly abusing Depp, security guard Travis McGivern testified this week that he had to remove Depp from a situation due to Heard’s actions. The actress allegedly punched Depp in the face during the incident, threw a can of Red Bull can at the actor, and tried to spit on him.

“At some point, I witnessed Ms. Heard throw a Red Bull can … that struck Mr. Depp in the back,” testified McGivern, who has worked for Depp for several years. “At that point, I moved closer to Mr. Depp. … I didn’t want my client to get hit with anything else.”

“The verbal onslaught continued, from both of them,” he added. “Ms. Heard threw something else, either a purse or a bag … [and] I was able to knock it away so it didn’t hit [Depp]. … At one point, she spit at him. Yeah, and just a lot of verbal vitriol from both of ’em.”

McGivern said Heard told Depp during the argument, “you’re f***ing washed up,” “you’re a f***ing c***,” and made remarks about the actor being a “deadbeat dad.” The security guard said Depp participated equally in the verbal exchanges, giving “as good as he got.”

“I heard and saw a closed fist contact Mr. Depp in the left side of his face,” McGivern later testified. “That was Amber Heard’s fist.”

“At that point, I wasn’t going to let Mr. Depp get hit anymore, so I moved him down the last flight of stairs to the lower level and told him we’re leaving … just for his sake,” he said. “I let him get hit by a Red Bull can, I let him get punched … it was my time to do my job and get him out of there.”

Source: Dailywire

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