On Wednesday, leftist Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe celebrated President Biden’s plan to cancel student loan debt, catalyzing an avalanche of harsh criticism on social media.

Tribe lauded Biden’s plan to cancel up to $20,000 in student debt for those who had received Pell Grants and as much as $10,000 for borrowers who made under $125,000 per year.

“Good news for thousands of my former students. I’m grateful on their behalf, Mr. President,” Tribe tweeted.

Tribe’s elitist sentiments were widely mocked on Twitter.

Erick Erickson: “Bad news for those who went to state school or didn’t go to college. Good news for the privileged few who went to Harvard. Burn it all down, Republicans.”

Former FEC Commissioner Brad Smith: “Yes, because if there’s any group that needs federal financial assistance, it’s Harvard Law Grads. (Speaking as one of Prof. Tribe’s former students who actually paid back all student loans).”

JD Vance: “Thanks to Tim Ryan and Joe Biden, Ohio workers are paying off the loans of Harvard Law students. If this seems unfair and illegal, it’s because it is.”

Ted Cruz: “Tax waiters & waitresses to pay off the loans of Harvard Law School graduates. Great idea.”

Mark Hemingway: “Tribe teaches at Harvard, which has a $53 billion endowment. Why doesn’t Harvard forgive their loans? Why make blue collar taxpayers subsidize the debt of Harvard lawyers?”

Matt Whitlock: “Lower-income tax payers now get to pay for the law school student loans for Larry Tribe’s former students at Harvard Law School. The average income for a Harvard Law grad their first year after graduating is $152,000.”

Eli Lake: “Spare a thought for the recent Harvard law school graduate. They toil away in boardrooms and office suites and barely have enough to make ends meet. They are invisible to the rest of us, but at least our president can feel their pain.”

Arthur Schwartz: “The forgotten men and women of Harvard Law School forgotten no more.”

James Taranto: “Thousands of your students are unable to earn enough money to pay off their loans? Good to know.”

Jon Levine: “Why do you work for an institution that has left thousands of your former students in need of government welfare? Shouldn’t Harvard chip in a bit too as opposed to taxpayers?”

Donald Trump Jr.: “Yes because thousands of Harvard Law grads need hard working blue collar workers to help them pay off their loans for them. Insane and disgusting.”

Christina Pushaw: “If you graduated from Harvard Law School and can’t find gainful employment to repay your debts, that’s on you.”

Oren Cass: “Ivy League law professor thanks Joe Biden for unlawfully giving thousands of Ivy League law grads $10,000 a piece. Modern progressivism in one tweet.”

Joe Concha: “Tribe being thankful that his future rich Harvard Law students will be able to live comfortably under the Biden law forgiveness gambit says just about everything about elitism (and tone-deafness).”

In 2019, after the horrible shootings in both El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, Tribe said that President Trump should be impeached “for inciting white nationalist terrorism and violence,” as Fox News reported.

Source: Dailywire

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