On Wednesday, The Daily Wire’s “Morning Wire” podcast reported that due to the war in Ukraine, Americans should expect major disruptions to the food supply chain. Together, Russia and Ukraine typically provide roughly 25% of global wheat exports, but because of agricultural and economic measures taken by both countries, those exports will sharply decrease. That disruption will in turn drive up food costs around the globe. 

One United Nations executive told Politico on Tuesday that another major impact of the Russian war could be a massive migration crisis caused by lack of food around the world because of those interruptions. 

Due to the war in Ukraine, “over the past month, the grain market has seen such volatility that many farmers — despite having a product suddenly in short supply — are struggling to find buyers due to near-unprecedented spikes in the futures market of the commodity,” The Daily Wire’s Cabot Phillips reported.

At the same time, “fertilizer prices have also seen more than their fair share of volatility as the war in Ukraine disrupts supply chains and alters demand,” he added. 

“Russia, which supplies roughly ten percent of all fertilizer for American farmers, no longer allows such exports to the United States,” which adds to the problem, Phillips explained.

In Politico, David Beasley, the U.N.’s World Food Programme executive director, warned that those economic factors combined will disproportionately harm Africa and the Middle East. In turn, the food crisis in Africa will subsequently force individuals to migrate northward to Europe in search of a better quality of life.

“We’re billions short,” Beasley said in reference to the U.N.’s ability to prepare for the coming crisis. “Failure to provide this year a few extra billion dollars means you’re going to have famine, destabilization and mass migration.”

“The crunch point will come in the fall when the full impact of the war’s disruption is likely to be felt,” Beasley predicted, according to Politico.

“If you think we’ve got hell on earth now, you just get ready,” Beasley warned. “If we neglect northern Africa, northern Africa’s coming to Europe. If we neglect the Middle East, [the] Middle East is coming to Europe,” he continued explaining the chain reaction.

Beasley is begging European nations to provide more funding this year so that the WFP can properly handle the food crisis to prevent the migration crisis. 

“What do you think is going to happen in Paris and Chicago and Brussels when there’s not enough food?” Beasely said at Belgium’s Royal Fine Arts Museum this week while speaking to a major European Union humanitarian conference. “It’s easy to sit on your high horse in your ivory tower when you’re not the one starving.”

In addition to the potential migrant surge into European, on Monday, The Daily Wire also reported that 10 million Ukrainians have already fled the war torn country to find safety amongst their E.U. neighbors. 

Because of these two combined crises, Americans — as pointed out by the Morning Wire — can definitely expect higher food prices as well as “shrink-flation,” which happens when a product costs the same yet the company decreases the size of the product being sold to save on costs.

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Source: Dailywire

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