The pro-abortion crowd is becoming more extreme in their celebration of the procedure as states around the country pass laws restricting abortion. Now with the Supreme Court decision on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization looming, it’s clear that abortion supporters have worked themselves into a frenzy.

One woman shared a surprising photo on Twitter this week that got some strong reactions from both sides of the issue. User C. Hate shared a photo of a cake that said “It’s a Boy,” except the “y” was crossed out to make the cake’s message read, “It’s Aborted.”

The caption said, “Abortion is healthcare. And also traumatic so if you do have one, please gather all of your closest friends after to celebrate. Be around endless love and happiness for your decision. Thanks for everyone who came last night,” indicating the cake was accompanied by a party.

In a follow up tweet, C. Hate wrote, “Is it crazy that I posted this? Kinda. But to stop making abortion some shameful secret in peoples lives maybe some crazy s*** is what they need to see. I’m thankful to have such a good support system & good sense of humor to get through the tough s***. N that’s that on that!”

Replies were limited to followers only, but even some of them were not on board with this outright celebration of abortion.

“Please don’t brag. Medical yes, sometimes necessary, yes, but to celebrate it, absolutely no,” one person responded.

“I think every woman should have the right to do what’s best for her. Pregnancy is extremely taxing and dangerous. I will say though, a celebration for this is a bit unnerving. I mean a baby died let’s be real. I would be taking the time to heal physically & emotionally,” another shared.

This comes just a few days after another pro-abortion tweet went viral on the platform. Pro-choice activist Renee Bracey Sherman shared a photo of the book, “What’s An Abortion, Anyway?” as a means to promote introducing the topic to young children.

The caption said: “Wait til she finds out this has been our family’s bedtime story on our vacation this week as my niece loves this book and reads it to her little sister every night. Our family was created by abortion, adoption, and parenting decisions. I love our family.”

Last year, Sherman tweeted about the same book by saying: “I love talking to kiddos about repro stuff, including abortion, but I know not everyone has the words for it. This book is super cute and thoughtful in the way it explains pregnancy and abortion, and is great to help you start the convo with your littles.”

A promotional page for the book indicated that it was targeted to children younger than 13 since no books mentioning abortion existed for that age group. 

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Source: Dailywire

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