Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) quickly turned her attention to a potential presidential run after losing her state’s primary on Tuesday.

Cheney shared the remarks during an interview on the “Today Show” on Wednesday morning.

“I will be doing whatever it takes to keep Donald Trump out of the Oval Office,” Cheney said.

When asked about running for president in 2024, she responded that it “is something I’m thinking about and I’ll make a decision in the coming months.”

Cheney also claimed she plans to continue her efforts against Trump during her remaining days in office. The congresswoman has served as vice chair on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) House select committee to investigate the events of January 6, 2021.

“I think that defeating him is going to require a broad and united front of Republicans, Democrats and independents. And that’s what I intend to be part of,” the congresswoman added.

The strong words came just hours after a resounding loss to Trump-endorsed Harriet Hageman on Tuesday. The newcomer more than doubled Cheney’s totals by Wednesday morning. With 99% of the vote reported, Hageman took 66.3% of the votes to Cheney’s 28.9%.

Cheney called Tuesday night to congratulate Hageman and concede the race. Shortly afterward, the congresswoman gave a concession speech that compared herself to Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant.

“The great and original champion of our party, Abraham Lincoln, was defeated in elections for the Senate and the House before he won the most important election of all,” Cheney said. “Lincoln ultimately prevailed, he saved our Union, and he defined our obligation as Americans for all of history.”

Cheney later added, “In May of 1864, after years of war and a string of reluctant Union generals, Ulysses S. Grant met General Lee’s forces at the Battle of the Wilderness.”

She said, “Refusing to retreat, he pressed on to victory. Lincoln and Grant and all who fought in our nation’s tragic Civil War, including my own great, great grandfathers, saved our Union.”

Politico also reported that Cheney intends to launch a new organization in the coming weeks.

“In coming weeks, Liz will be launching an organization to educate the American people about the ongoing threat to our Republic, and to mobilize a unified effort to oppose any Donald Trump campaign for president,” Cheney spokesperson Jeremy Adler told the outlet.

In contrast with Cheney’s speech, Hageman offered a victory speech on Tuesday night that emphasized that Wyoming has spoken on behalf of the American people.

“Wyoming has spoken on behalf of everyone all across this great country who believes in the American dream, who believes in liberty, and who recognizes that our natural rights – the freedom of speech, freedom of religion, equal protection and due process, come from God, they do not come from the Government,” she said. “Wyoming has spoken on behalf of everyone who understands that our government is a government of, by and for the people.”

Source: Dailywire

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