The Federalist Editor-in-Chief Mollie Hemingway let Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA) have it after Elon Musk’s Twitter deal prompted him to question whether the billionaire entrepreneur would do enough to stymie the spread of “disinformation.”

Schiff shared his thoughts in a tweet on Tuesday, saying, “Here’s my take on the world’s richest man buying Twitter: He makes a great car and rocket. But I’m concerned his personal views will stop the fight against disinformation on social media. The problem on Twitter hasn’t been too much content moderation – it’s too much hate.”

Hemingway responded with a jab at Schiff, mentioning his repeated insistence that former President Donald Trump had colluded with Russia to rig the 2016 presidential election against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

“Remember when you knowingly and maliciously pushed disinformation for YEARS, falsely claiming to have evidence of Trump colluding with Russia to steal the 2016 election?” she asked.

“People who support censorship of their political opponents are the biggest threat to the country right now. The new propaganda use of the term ‘disinformation’ to support totalitarian thought control is terrifying,” Hemingway offered in a later tweet.

Carmine Sabia agreed with Hemingway, adding, “And if anyone knows disinformation it is this man, who claimed to have smoking gun evidence of Donald Trump colluding with Russia. Evidence he never produced and the media never asks him about.”

“Few people in America have been a greater source of disinformation than this man & when Republicans take control in November they need to hold him accountable for his lies & the damage he has done to our nation,” Army Ranger veteran Sean Parnell commented.

Donald Trump Jr. jumped into the conversation as well, saying, “No one in congress has spread more disinformation than this guy, but because he’s a leftist there’s no consequences. Whatever happened to all the Russia Collusion info he said ‘saw with his own eyes’? Or the altered emails like @Jim_Jordan’s and mine? America is still waiting.”

“Adam Schiff worrying about disinformation is like Godzilla worrying about Tokyo’s skyline,” Eddie Zipperer joked.

Schiff told CNN in early 2019 that even though there might not be “proof beyond reasonable doubt if a crime,” there was “ample evidence of collusion in plain sight.”

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Source: Dailywire

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