Americans really don’t like Vice President Kamala Harris, according to a new poll.

Biden’s veep is seen as both unqualified and unpopular, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports survey.

The pollster found that that 54% do not believe Harris is qualified to be president, while just 42% think she’s qualified. Of that 54%, a whopping 45% see Harris as “not at all qualified” to be president.

Meanwhile, just 40% view Harris favorably compared to 56% who have an unfavorable opinion. Of the latter, 47% said they view her “very unfavorably.”

Harris has had a tough go of it, repeatedly misspeaking in public events. What’s more, there has been an exodus of top-level staffers from her office just 14 months after she took office. Her deputy chief of staff, Michael Fuchs, on Monday became the latest high-level staffer to announce his departure from the veep’s office, according to Reuters.

“Fuchs, who served as a foreign policy advisor to former President Bill Clinton and worked in senior roles at the U.S. State Department under former President Barack Obama’s administration, advised Harris on domestic and international issues, helped manage staff and often accompanied her on foreign trips,” the wire service reported.

“Fifteen months later, it’s almost difficult to recall the magnitude of the challenges we faced when we came in, from an unprecedented pandemic to historically difficult economic circumstances,” Fuchs wrote, Reuters reported.

Late last month, Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh became that latest to bail, announcing she was leaving the vice president’s office to take a job at the Defense Department, according to the New York Post. Singh’s departure meant just one of the four top communications positions was left from the original staff on Inauguration Day.

The New York Post said Singh was “at least the ninth key official to depart the veep’s office since this past summer — joining director of digital strategies Rajun Kaur, director of advance Karly Satkowiak, deputy director of advance Gabrielle DeFranceschi, communications director Ashley Etienne, chief spokesperson Symone Sanders, director of press operations Peter Velz, deputy director of public engagement Vince Evans, and speechwriting director Kate Childs Graham.”

Then two weeks ago, the vice president’s National Security Adviser Nancy McEldowney announced she planned to leave Harris’ office.

It’s not like they’re moving up to the White House or some other high-level gig, either. Evans, for instance, quit in January to take on a new job on Capitol Hill, CNBC reported. He left to join the Congressional Black Caucus, which is headed by Rep. Joyce Beatty (D-OH), clearly less than a lateral move.

In December 2021, the core of her office, Sanders and Etienne, bolted. Their exits followed a devastating USA Today/Suffolk University poll that showed Harris earning a dismal 28% approval rating — 10 points behind President Joe Biden, who sat at a not-so-pretty 38% approval.

Joseph Curl has covered politics for 35 years, including 12 years as White House correspondent, and ran the Drudge Report from 2010 to 2015. Send tips to [email protected] and follow him on Twitter @josephcurl.

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Source: Dailywire

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