The New York Times acknowledged last week the veracity of emails recovered from Hunter Biden’s missing laptop first reported by The New York Post prior to the 2020 election.

Since the Times’ confirmation, about a year and a half after the original story broke, President Joe Biden and his administration have faced increasing pressure to answer questions about allegations of corruption against his family, according to The Daily Wire’s Cabot Phillips.

“They’re under growing pressure because for the last year and a half, they’ve mostly refused to talk about it, and when they have talked about it, they’ve mostly brushed it off as fake news or even Russian disinformation,” Phillips said. “Biden campaign advisor Simone Sanders for example, said anyone who shared the story was promoting ‘Russian misinformation’ while White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki implied the same on her Twitter account. President Biden himself even called the story ‘a bunch of garbage.’”

“But now that we have confirmation though that the story is accurate, the President and others in his administration are not answering questions on the topic. And, that’s where the pressure is really starting to mount here. People, even in the media, are starting to demand answers,” he added.

In September 2020, the Post revealed emails recovered from Hunter Biden’s laptop that sparked allegations that President Biden was involved in overseas business deals run through Hunter and his business partners.

“Back in September of 2020, just a few weeks before the 2020 election, the New York Post published the contents of a laptop they said belonged to Joe Biden’s son, Hunter. It included salacious texts and photos, as well emails which appeared to show that when Joe Biden was Vice President, his family, namely Hunter Biden, leveraged that position to secure multi-million dollar business deals with companies in Ukraine and China,” Phillips said.

“On that note, one email for example showed Hunter receiving 20% equity in a Shanghai-based company along with a line that says ‘10 held by H for the Big Guy.’ Hunter’s business partner Tony Bobulinski has since publicly stated that ‘the big guy’ here is Joe Biden and the ten percent cut was being saved for him,” he added.

The president has also been revealed to have connections to Russian oligarchs, raising further questions about President Biden’s own potential involvement in his son’s overseas business dealings.

“The Senate found a 3.5 million dollar payment from the richest woman in Russia to a company tied to Hunter Biden. And it’s worth noting, that even though many Russian billionaires and oligarchs have been sanctioned by the U.S., the woman who made that payment to Hunter’s company has not been sanctioned,” Phillips said. “That left many thinking there was a potential conflict of interest. The NY Post asked Jen Psaki about that on Friday, here was her response.”

Tuesday’s episode of “Morning Wire,” and all episodes of “Morning Wire,” can be listened to here.

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Source: Dailywire

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