Actor Seth Rogen, who is reportedly worth $80 million, was blasted on social media after he dismissed a prominent YouTuber’s complaint about his car being robbed in Los Angeles by tweeting it was simply “called living in a big city.”
YouTuber Casey Neistat tweeted on Wednesday, “so our cars got robbed this morning because Los Angeles is a crime riddled 3rd world s***hole of a city but tremendous appreciation and gratitude to the hardworking officers at the @LAPDWestLA who not only arrested the mother****** but they got all of our stolen goods back.”
so our cars got robbed this morning because Los Angeles is a crime riddled 3rd world shithole of a city but tremendous appreciation and gratitude to the hardworking officers at the @LAPDWestLA who not only arrested the motherfucker but they got all of our stolen goods back
— Casey Neistat (@Casey) November 24, 2021
Rogen patronized, “Dude I’ve lived here for over 20 years. You’re nuts haha. It’s lovely here. Don’t leave anything valuable in it. It’s called living in a big city.”
Dude I’ve lived here for over 20 years. You’re nuts haha. It’s lovely here. Don’t leave anything valuable in it. It’s called living in a big city.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) November 24, 2021
Neistat protested, “i can still be mad tho right? feel so violated.”
i can still be mad tho right? feel so violated.
— Casey Neistat (@Casey) November 24, 2021
Rogen replied, “You can be mad but I guess I don’t personally view my car as an extension of myself and I’ve never really felt violated any of the 15 or so times my car was broken in to. Once a guy accidentally left a cool knife in my car so if it keeps happening you might get a little treat.”
You can be mad but I guess I don’t personally view my car as an extension of myself and I’ve never really felt violated any of the 15 or so times my car was broken in to. Once a guy accidentally left a cool knife in my car so if it keeps happening you might get a little treat.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) November 25, 2021
Neistat probed, “i didn’t get any treats. he just took the decorations for my daughters 7th birthday party and left bloody hand prints. serious question; how did you get your car broken into 15 times?”
i didn’t get any treats. he just took the decorations for my daughters 7th birthday party and left bloody hand prints. serious question; how did you get your car broken into 15 times?
— Casey Neistat (@Casey) November 25, 2021
Rogen lectured, “I lived in West Hollywood for 20 years and parked on the street. … Also it sucks your shit was stolen but LA is not some shithole city. As far as big cities go it has a lot going for it.”
Also it sucks your shit was stolen but LA is not some shithole city. As far as big cities go it has a lot going for it.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) November 25, 2021
Rogen was slammed for his dismissive attitude toward crime in Los Angeles:
RedState’s Jennifer Van Laar: “This is why Gascon and Garcetti get away w/what they do. Rich assholes (I still love Seth’s movies, but calling it like I see it) make excuses for criminals and put the burden on us to not tempt them. It’s lovely in LA? Huh? Casey, you don’t have to ask him if you can be mad.”
This is why Gascon and Garcetti get away w/what they do. Rich assholes (I still love Seth's movies, but calling it like I see it) make excuses for criminals and put the burden on us to not tempt them.
It's lovely in LA? Huh?
Casey, you don't have to ask him if you can be mad.
— Jennifer Van Laar (@jenvanlaar) November 25, 2021
Former Chicago Bears linebacker Jon Najarian: “It’s so sad that people like Seth have been numbed into just accepting rampant crime, and believe that homelessness, trash and danger are just part of what happens in a normal society.”
It's so sad that people like Seth have been numbed into just accepting rampant crime, and believe that homelessness, trash and danger are just part of what happens in a normal society
— Jon Najarian (@jonnajarian) November 26, 2021
Breitbart’s Jack Montgomery: “’It’s called living in a big city’ – Actual celeb reaction to criminals smashing their way into a person’s car to steal from them, as if it’s as natural as the weather.”
"It's called living in a big city" – Actual celeb reaction to criminals smashing their way into a person's car to steal from them, as if it's as natural as the weather
— Jack Montgomery (@JackBMontgomery) November 25, 2021
The Daily Caller’s Dylan Housman: “Multi-millionaire celebrity explains to you why having your car broken into isn’t a big deal and you should just get over it.”
Multi-millionaire celebrity explains to you why having your car broken into isn't a big deal and you should just get over it
— Dylan Housman (@Dylan_Housman) November 25, 2021
In February, Gad Saad, an evolutionary psychologist and professor in the John Molson School of Business at Concordia University wrote in a piece headlined “The moral hypocrisy of celebrities — the case of Seth Rogen,” later pulled by Psychology Today, that “Seth Rogen and other champagne socialists do not live out their convictions. They are vacuous parasitic virtue signallers who wear Che Guevara T-shirts from the luxury of their Malibu homes. Be the former and reject the latter.”
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