Can Americans peacefully discuss Roe v. Wade and abortion? If you watched the mainstream media over the past week, it would appear not. The issue is being portrayed as a black and white topic, and repealing Roe would ban abortion throughout America. This idea has enraged some pro-abortion rights radicals who have even become violent, in one instance allegedly firebombing a pro-life clinic while also disrupting religious services across the country. To challenge that framework of discussion, conservative comedian Steven Crowder recently traveled to the Fort Worth-Dallas area to test whether strangers can actually discuss abortion peacefully. His results might surprise you.

As he often does, Crowder spoke with various people on the streets. One man he chatted with explained that he was not entirely aware of what overturning Roe meant but was eager to learn. Crowder asked him if he was pro-life or pro-choice, to which the man said, “It depends on how far along the pregnancy is.”

After explaining that overturning Roe would simply send the issue of abortion back to the states, meaning some states could ban abortion while others could make it legal, the man said he agreed with that assessment. However, he then acknowledged it still should depend on how far along the pregnancy is because, as he said, at a certain point, “it almost becomes murder.”

Initially, he placed the ban after the first trimester but noted that a heartbeat would indicate that child in the womb is alive. After Crowder informed him that a fetal heartbeat could usually be detected at around six weeks in the womb, the man changed his stance, making six weeks the cut-off point for legal abortion.

The conversation showed that some Americans might be unaware of all the medical realities regarding a fetus in the womb, but more information could change their views.

Then there was Tammy, who said she hadn’t been following the Roe v. Wade situation. Tammy told Crowder that she was pro-choice, but after hearing that overturning Roe would send the topic back to the states, she supported that decision.

Despite being shown information regarding fetal development, she still supported the right to abortion through all nine months of pregnancy in states that would allow it. However, she did say she was comfortable if some states imposed harsher restrictions.

Of course, not everybody Crowder spoke with supported the decision to end Roe. Crowder chatted with a man and a woman named Gordo and Mary, who seemed like full-throated leftists, for about a half-hour. Despite a couple of tense moments, the conversation was generally respectful and covered everything from housing affordability to fetal heartbeat inside the womb. That conversation ended with Mary assuming Crowder’s gender, Gordo challenging Crowder to expose himself, and Mary insisting that he couldn’t have an opinion on abortion because he was, most likely, a man.

Throughout the video, Crowder indicated that by explaining that overturning Roe would not abolish the right to abortion entirely, Americans could end some of the division currently plaguing the nation.

The entire video can be seen here:

Source: Dailywire

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