An Arab terrorist opened fire and killed five people in a shooting spree across at least two locations in Bnei Brak, a suburb of Tel Aviv, according to Israeli Police. This is the latest terrorist attack in Israel, coming after the two recent Islamic state-inspired attacks, one in Hadera and the other in Beersheba.

In one location, a person was killed in a car and two others were found killed on a sidewalk nearby. In another location not far from the first, another man was killed and a police officer was shot, as reported by Jerusalem Post. The officer was evacuated to Rabin Medical Center where he died soon after from his wounds. 

Lipa Hirsch, a medic for the Israeli Ambulance Service Magen David Adom (MDA) who treated the wounded at the scene, told Arutz 7 News: “We arrived at the scene at Herzl Street and came across a man in his 30s lying unresponsive. He was not breathing, didn’t have a pulse, and had suffered gunshot wounds. We performed medical checks and found we had no choice but to pronounce him deceased. Approximately 100 meters from him, we came across a 40-year-old man, lying unresponsive with gunshots to his body. An additional MDA team that arrived at the scene provided him with medical treatment and conveyed him to Beilinson Hospital in critical condition. With my team, I continued to the scene at Hashneim Street at the corner of Bialik Street where we found 3 victims, 1 in a car and 2 lying on the sidewalk, all unresponsive. We performed medical checks and had no choice but to pronounce them deceased.”

Channel 12 reports that the terrorist was a Fatah-affiliated 27-year-old male from the northern West Bank village of Ya’bad near Jenin who was imprisoned in 2015 for an illegal arms trade. He recently worked at an illegal construction site in Bnei Brak. The terrorist was shot dead by security forces and the Israeli police have arrested two alleged accomplices.

“Israel is facing a deadly wave of Arab terrorism,” wrote Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Twitter. “My heart goes out to the families who lost their loved ones tonight, and I pray for the wellbeing of the wounded. Security forces are responding. We will fight terror with perseverance, stubbornness, and an iron fist. They will not move us from here. We will win.”

Defense Minister Benny Gantz vowed that Israeli security forces will use “all means” to bring an end to the string of deadly terror attacks. “The entire security establishment — the IDF, the Shin Bet, and police — will work using all means to restore security to the streets of Israel and a sense of security to the citizens.”

Israeli opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu said “A sad and very difficult evening. Israel is in the midst of a dangerous wave of terrorism that we have not seen for many years. I send my condolences to the families of those killed and pray for the recovery of the wounded. I strengthen the security and rescue forces on the ground. We must act resolutely to restore peace and security to the citizens of Israel.”

Palestinian terror groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad both praised the deadly shooting attack but neither of them claimed responsibility for the slaughter. Social media posts are circulating of Palestinians in Gaza handing out candy in celebration of the attack.

The attack is the third in a week in which 11 people were killed, making it the bloodiest since 2006 when a suicide bus bombing killed 11 Israelis in Tel Aviv. It is the tenth terror attack in the month of March. Tensions are high in anticipation of the upcoming month of Ramadan which begins on the evening of Saturday, April 2.

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Source: Dailywire

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