Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) slammed President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in a graphic video showing the horrifying effects of the drug cartels’ influence on the influx of immigrants flooding the southern border.

The video showed the dead bodies of immigrants who did not survive, including one of a father and child lying face down in the water just as they reached land.

“President Biden doesn’t want Americans to know that he has been ignoring the narco slave trade taking place along our southern border,” Cruz tweeted.

“These children come in, in debt to vicious cartels — thousands and thousands of dollars,” Cruz stated in the video. “And the teenage boys work for the gangs in every city in America. And the teenage girls experience a hell worse than that, with far too many of them human-trafficked into sex slavery.”

“Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are responsible for the worst plague of slavery in America since the Civil War,” he fired. “This is not compassionate. This is not humane. This is barbaric.”

The video finished by stating, “Abolish the Narco Slave Trade.”

According to Noticias Telemundo Investiga, which spoke with a number of immigrants who had crossed the southern border, drug cartels kidnap families both before and after they try to cross the border. Immigrants once kidnapped are forced to relinquish their cellphones, then told they will lose a finger if they do not contact their families and instruct them to pay ransom or the victims will be harmed.

If ransom is not paid, photographs of the victims who have been raped or beaten are sent back to the families.

Researcher Guadalupe Correa-Cabrera told NBC News that the immigrants do not report attacks by the cartels, adding, “They don’t report them because they threaten them if they do so, and they don’t know who to turn to. Most kidnappers have ties to the authorities, so it’s virtually impossible that they’ll take action against them. It is the perfect business.”

In March 2021, Reuters reported that roughly 10,000 children under the age of 18 crossed illegally into the United States without their parents the month before, nearly double the number in January, according to CBP data. The soaring number from the month before came after Biden’s administration said at the beginning of February 2021 it would not rapidly expel unaccompanied minors.

“It’s good to take advantage of the moment, because children are able to pass quickly. That’s what we’re telling everyone,” a Guatemalan smuggler told Reuters.

Source: Dailywire

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