American truckers are reportedly organizing their own convoy to protest coronavirus mandates that they expect to launch next week that will end up in Washington, D.C.

The news comes as a large number of truck drivers in Canada have protested coronavirus mandates for weeks which has spurred Canada’s left-wing government to enact harsh crackdowns on protesters.

“The Great American Patriot Project on Wednesday asked volunteers to contribute, join or support a convoy of truckers slated to travel to Washington D.C. next month,” Newsweek reported. “Organizers say the American truckers’ protest, dubbed ‘The People’s Convoy,’ will depart on Interstate 40 heading east from Barstow on February 23.”

Barstow, California, is located between Los Angeles and Las Vegas, Nevada.

The People’s Convoy says in their mission statement:

Americans love our freedoms and love the Constitution of The United States of America. This convoy aims to bring back our freedoms, our civil liberties, and bring an end to all unconstitutional mandates. This is about our rights, as well as the freedom of future generations. It’s not about political parties, but more so about a government that has forgotten its place and has no regard for our founding fathers instructions, The Constitution.

D.C. Police are reportedly making plans for the possible trucker convoy if it reaches the nation’s capital.

“Officers were alerted this week that no time off will be granted between Feb. 22 and March 5th, and starting Tuesday, specialized units will be activated,” Fox 5 reported. “By Wednesday, nearly 500 officers a day will be on civil disturbance platoons. Over 200 officers will be on traffic support, including officers diverted from the Investigative Services Bureau.”

D.C. Police released a statement Thursday saying:

The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) is aware of potential First Amendment activities that may take place in the National Capital Region, including Washington, DC. At this time, a permit application has not been submitted to MPD. As with all First Amendment demonstrations, MPD will be monitoring, assessing, and planning accordingly with our law enforcement partners.

One of the group’s organizers, Maureen Steele, told Newsmax TV that the group was working to make sure that fundraising for the event was secure so that they did not run into the same types of problems that truckers in Canada did.

“We have been able to really garner some of the best and brightest on our team to make sure that this convoy goes off without a hitch,” Steele said. “We have a logistics specialist, tacticians, we’re ensuring we have fuel. We’ve brought on Exemplar Financial, which has seven offices throughout the country with lawyers and accountants that are overseeing our fundraising to make sure that’s buttoned up.”

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Source: Dailywire

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